To Love Someone (Baytown Boys #14) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,47

a stupid question,” Dylan said, leaning forward, “but why the fuck would anyone want to breed a dog with a wild animal?”

“There are those that believe you can get the best genetic mix from both animals, but there are a lot of misconceptions out there. The topic is greatly contested among those who breed and those who want them regulated.” She pulled out her phone and quickly searched. Glancing up, she said, “Since I don’t deal with exotic animals, I’ve got some information here that hopefully will make some sense. For example, some people feel that a wolf-hybrid will make a better guard dog, but the fact is that wolves are shy by nature. Another myth is that they might live longer than a dog, but the truth is their lifecycle is virtually the same. Another myth is that they’re healthier than dogs, less prone to disease, but that also isn’t true.”

“What about the unpredictable behavior you mentioned?” Mitch asked.

“Full-blooded wolves constantly explore their environment because they are so territorial, and this exploration often takes place with their teeth and paws. So, if you have a hybrid that is more wolf than dog, they’ll explore the house in a way that the owner probably doesn’t want. They’ll rip off cabinet doors to see what is behind them. They have a desire to roam, and in the wild, wolves can travel thirty miles a day. They also have a predatory nature… so cats, other dogs, or even children can be in danger.” She sighed and shook her head. “Again, let me say that for every negative you can read about wolf-hybrids, you will find those that defend the legitimate breeding as gaining the best animal possible and get angry at any naysayers.”

That was met with silence for a moment as the others processed her words. She waited to see what else they needed from her.

“Obviously, we don’t have any breeders in the area, but do regular dog vaccinations work on wolves?” Colt finally asked.

“There is no approved rabies vaccination for wolf-dogs. Legitimate breeders have to give them, and rabies vaccinations can only be given by a veterinarian. Because breeders are not using a full-blooded wolf as one of the parents, the hybrids they’re selling are going to be over fifty percent dog, so they would have a better chance for the vaccinations to be effective.” She clicked further on the site she was looking at. “I am seeing where some vets do not treat hybrids because of liability reasons and that the owners have to acknowledge that they understand the rabies vaccination cannot be relied upon to deliver protection against rabies in a wolf-dog hybrid.”

“You mentioned some people think you get the best genetics of both, but what if you don’t?” Mitch asked, leaning forward with his forearms on the table. “Could you get a more aggressive animal?”

She nodded slowly, carefully looking at the concerned faces of her friends in law enforcement. “The problem comes with the challenges of the unknown behavior. They may be canines, but there is a diversity of genetic composition, even within one litter. So, the puppies could all look very different, and they could act very differently. Wolves and dogs do not mature at the same rate. Wolves are even more territorial than dogs, especially to protect their food source. Dogs, through domestication over centuries, have lost some of that instinct. A wolf reaches sexual maturity much later than a dog, but with the interbreeding, the coinciding behavioral changes can be hard to predict.”

“Same with coyotes, right?” Liam asked.

“Fuckin’ hell!” Dylan cursed. “Coyotes, too?”

“Now, this is an area I really don’t know anything about,” Samantha admitted. She tapped through a few more veterinarian sites. “Coydogs were deliberately bred in ancient Mexico. But they are not playful or outgoing, and definitely not a good choice for a pet. Their mating cycles are even more off than a wolf-dog, so they are much more uncommon.”

“So, why breed wolves and dogs?”

Before she had a chance to answer, Wyatt spoke up. “Because to people who think they’re getting the best, they’ll fight to keep their right to do this.” He looked over at Samantha and lifted his brow. “Right?”

She nodded, her nose scrunching slightly. “For legitimate and regulated breeders, they’ll work with veterinarians and complete DNA testing on their animals. And yes, they truly feel that the beauty of the wild animal paired with the domestication makes the perfect pet for the discerning owner.”

The group became quiet, and curiosity swept Copyright 2016 - 2024