Love Redesigned - Jenny Proctor Page 0,76

at Alex. “Can you do that?”

I glanced at Chase. He sat perfectly still, his lips pulled into a tight line across his face. I’d explained everything when I’d called him; he knew he didn’t have to be involved unless he wanted to be. I didn’t have anything to lose, really. I’d already lost my job at LeFranc and left New York. But Chase did.

“I don’t know,” Alex said. “I’m suddenly wishing I’d taken that class on forensic accounting when I had the chance.” He moved to the door. “If Solomon Rivers is incorporated, then the location of their headquarters, the president of the LLC, general contact information, that’s all publicly accessible information on file with the state.”

“What if it’s registered overseas?” Chase said. “That’s what people do, right? If they embezzle money, they store it in offshore accounts to avoid taxes?”

I raised an eyebrow in Chase’s direction.

He shrugged “What? I watch a lot of movies.”

“Let me do some research,” Alex said. “I think I might know someone who can help. My friend, Angelica, did specialize in forensic accounting. I think she’ll at least be able to point me in the right direction.”

I raised my arms into a shrug, motioning to the room around me. “And in the meantime?” I asked.

“Oh, start sewing,” Alex said. “This woman is going down.”

As soon as we heard the studio door close, Chase leaned in. “Okay. All jokes aside? I need to know what’s going on between you two.”

I huffed a laugh. “What does it look like?”

“Uh, it looks like he’s going to a lot of effort to help you steal back a wedding dress.”

“It’s not about that for him,” I said. “This is his family we’re talking about. It’s personal.”

Chase crossed his arms. “Stepfamily.”


Chase just looked at me, doubt written all over his face.

“Why is it so hard for you to imagine two people working together to reach the same goal for different reasons?”

“Maybe I could if we were talking about any other two people. But the two of you were in love less than a year ago. I think I’m justified in saying that complicates things.”

“It’s been more than a year,” I said. “A year and . . . four months.”

Chase rolled his eyes. “But who’s counting, right?”

“I know. It’s weird. But it’s like we’ve landed in this strange middle ground where we’re polite and courteous and we get along. We just don’t talk about anything that happened.”

Chase huffed. “But that’s not sustainable. Eventually, stuff will come up.”

“What else is there to say?” I countered. “He apologized in New York.”

“But you’re still mad,” Chase said.

I stared at my hands. Mad wasn’t the right word. “I’m scared,” I finally said. “I feel like I barely came out of the fog a few months ago. It was worse than just getting over a broken heart. It was getting over it without any sense of closure. I finally feel okay again. I don’t know if I can risk opening my heart to him again.”

“I know, sweetie,” Chase said. “But you’re still standing, even after all that. And now there’s this man who is so good in so many ways. And it might be worth recognizing—at least acknowledging that it’s a possibility—he’s doing this big thing because he still cares about you.”

I pressed the heels of my hands into my eye sockets. “Don’t say that. I can’t think about that right now.”

“You know what Mark Twain said about denial?” Chase asked. “It ain’t just a river in Egypt.”

I shook my head. “It’s not about being in denial. It feels like I just got the dam built, you know? My feelings for Alex are contained, safe, walled up. If you mess with that wall right now? It’s not like a little bit might trickle out. It’s all or nothing. The whole dam will break, and I can’t deal with a deluge. I’m afraid it will break me for good.”

Chase stood and crossed the tiny room to where I sat at my makeshift sewing station. He pulled me to my feet and wrapped me in a hug. “Okay,” he said softly. “I get it. I won’t push.”

I gave his shoulders a quick squeeze and draped my measuring tape over his shoulders. “Ready to make an ugly dress?”

“Absolutely not. I’m ready to go to the beach. We can start the ugly dress tomorrow.”

“What is it with you and the beach? It’s November. It’s not even warm enough to be at the beach.”

“It was sixty-five degrees when we pulled up this Copyright 2016 - 2024