Love in Lockdown - Chloe James Page 0,84

road making a particularly beautiful display. Road edges were just there, a normal part of life. I never thought about people needing to maintain them. But since lockdown, the neglected verges have become jungles of long grasses, stretching triffid-like towards the sky. The secret anarchist in me takes a delight in this rebellion against our human need to control every space, as a whole variety of flowers are growing in places you don’t expect to see them. Our human loss has been nature’s gain.

Benson is ridiculously pleased to see his owner again and Derek is thrilled to have had a break. ‘I don’t know how to thank you, Sophia, I really don’t!’

‘Honestly you don’t need to,’ I assure him. ‘I loved every minute of it. I enjoyed getting out for a walk and it’s lovely to have some doggy company. Jack and I were thinking of maybe trying to find a rescue dog for Bertie. He seems so down lately and it must be really tough since Elsie died.’

‘That would be marvellous. A dog would do him the world of good. But you don’t want anything too lively. Take it from me!’

‘Definitely not,’ I agree. ‘I was thinking a small dog, maybe a Jack Russell or a Cavalier King Charles; they’re always really sweet and happy to have a walk but just as pleased to have a nap!’

‘That’s what I think he needs … and maybe a bit older, not a pup?’ Derek lovingly pats Benson on his head as he tries to shove his soggy and bedraggled squeaky duck into his hand. ‘Look at this guy, still lots of energy!’

‘You’re right, any breed is going to be lively when they’re young. Maybe an older dog who just wants someone to give them a fuss, lots of company and a nice ramble every day.’

‘You could put an advert out on WhatsApp?’ Derek suggests.

‘That’s an idea, but I was trying to make it a surprise.’

Derek starts to laugh. ‘Not sure surprises are a good thing where animals are concerned! Anyway it’s the sort of thing that’s nice to plan.’

I feel foolish. ‘Yes, fair point. Of course, Bertie might not want another dog. I’ll talk to Jack about it. He knows him better than me. Anyway – got to dash, I have to get dinner on. Erica’s on late shift again tonight.’

‘Bye, love, and thanks again. Say thank you, Benson! Speak!’

‘Woof!’ Benson happily joins in and Derek gives him a treat.

‘Been practising that all week he has – there’s a good lad!’

Benson gives another loud woof and I wave. I don’t know why but I always wave at dogs. Jess used to tell me it was perfectly normal as long as they didn’t ever wave back.

My phone rings as I’m on the way back to my flat. ‘Hey, Jess,’ I answer it.

‘How’s it going? Seems ages since I spoke to you.’

‘I know, it does.’ It’s only been a week or so, but then Jess and I usually speak nearly every day. ‘How’s loved-up married life?’

‘Can’t complain.’ She laughs. ‘Okay, so it’s been wonderful. I really didn’t expect much from a honeymoon in the middle of a lockdown. I mean it’s not exactly romantic, or so you would think.’

‘Well yeah. I mean no, not really.’

‘It was fab though. Just being able to not have to go and do anything. We enjoyed romantic movies in bed, ordered takeaway, sat in our gazebo in the sun and watched our wedding all over again.’ I’ve never heard Jess so relaxed and chilled.

‘Sounds perfect.’ I smile. ‘It’s like you’re in your own little romantic bubble.’

‘I guess it is … though it’s almost made me feel guilty.’


‘I don’t know,’ she muses. ‘I suppose it’s because we’re in the middle of a pandemic. Things are stressful for so many people, and we’ve just switched it all off.’

‘I don’t think that’s selfish; you’re allowed your honeymoon. Besides, looking after your mental health in lockdown is important. At first I watched all the briefings, but I was getting so upset, I’ve given myself a social media and news break.’

‘Sensible,’ Jess agrees. ‘I guess it’s about being aware, but not depressing yourself totally. Speaking of which, that’s the only thing with taking a break from reality … the return to work is a bit of a shock!’

‘Wouldn’t know – I haven’t had a break from it yet!’

‘How’s things going with Jack?’ Jess changes the conversation with all the subtlety of a rhino in full charge.

‘Good, he’s a nice guy and got his Copyright 2016 - 2024