Love in Lockdown - Chloe James Page 0,80

it grows on you after the first few sips. Very calming.’

‘I’ll make it on the over sixties nights.’

I laugh before turning more serious. ‘Speaking of over sixties … I’m worried about Bertie.’

‘Bertie? Yeah I guess he is a bit down at the moment.’

‘I just wish he could come out with me to walk Benson. It would be so lovely for him to spend some time with a pup – they’re so cheerful.’

‘If a little crazy, by the sound of it!’

‘Yes, that too. I wonder …’ I break off for a moment.

‘Sounds like you have one of your ideas brewing,’ Jack observes.

‘Well, yes, I was just thinking maybe we could get Bertie a dog. Of his own.’

Jack snorts but it sounds as though he’s drunk a load of his mocktail down the wrong way as there’s a lot of coughing going on. He finally manages to recover. ‘Nice idea, but how are you going to find and adopt a dog in the current situation?’

‘Leave it with me, I’ll find a way,’ I say as I finish my drink. ‘Any chance of that lemon and lime mocktail? I might even have a packet of Pringles I could split with you.’

‘Coming right up. But I don’t think even you, with your super skills, are going to be able to find a dog for Bertie during a pandemic.’

Chapter 24


I am sitting and staring at the email from the Chiropractic College. It’s been there ready and waiting in my inbox for a few minutes but I daren’t open it. I really want this. It would be awful if they just rejected me. The idea of having a course starting in September has lifted me through this lockdown. Well that and Sophia. Okay … so, mostly Sophia. But that’s going to change. I know lockdown won’t last forever and I just don’t know what will happen with her afterwards. When we finally meet, will she like me? Is this all just the result of a strange situation and as things go back to normal – or the new normal they’re talking about, whatever and whenever that is – will we just drift apart, back into our own busy lives we lived for years without knowing of each other’s existence? Somehow this thought makes me feel lonely, empty even. I almost don’t want things to go back to how they were before, if it means losing Sophia.

It’s no good, I’m going to have to open this email.

Dear Mr Stanton,

Thank you for your application to study on our Sports Therapy Course. We enjoyed reading your CV and forms and would be delighted to invite you to take part in an interview with Lee Brockenhurst on Wednesday 29th April at 2 p.m.

Kind regards,

Diane Reeves

This is the best news. Before I stop to think, I message Sophia.

Guess what? I’ve been given an interview for the Chiropractic College. Can you believe it?

To my delight, she immediately messages back.

That’s amazing. Well done, Jack! She follows the message with a cheery face and an exploding whatever it is, that looks like a party popper coming out of an ice cream cone. I knew you could do it!

Thanks. I’m so excited. But dreading the interview. Haven’t done one for years.

That’s okay, you’ll walk it. But I can go over some questions with you later on the balcony if you like?

That would be helpful. In return, I won’t subject you to another lavender mocktail.

Done! Maybe see you when I’m back from my walk with Benson? I’ve got one more lesson then I’ll pick him up from Derek’s.

Hope you have a good time – make sure you keep a firm grip. He could pull a sleigh better than a team of huskies according to Derek!

Probably why he put his back out.

I expect so. Look after yourself and I’ll speak to you on the balcony later.

Sure thing x

She’s put a kiss again. It can’t be an accident.

Looking forward to it x

I just had to put a kiss too otherwise it would have looked unfriendly.

I tidy away my lunch things; today I made a real effort and created a salad with cold chicken and brown bread. All delivered by Sophia of course, although now I have got a regular delivery slot at the supermarket as well. It’s finally got a bit easier as they have given me priority due to my health condition.

Each week the shop has become a major project and I’m beginning to feel as though I’m taking a degree in shopping. I collect everyone’s wish Copyright 2016 - 2024