To Love a Dragon - Tiffany Roberts Page 0,71

who had handled all the necessities—food, clothing, weaponry, building and maintaining the huts. All the ropes had been braided by female fingers, all the wood had been shaped by tools in female hands. Leyloni’s father had proven men were more than capable of such work, but males were far too valuable to put at risk, especially when even a simple accident could result in crippling illness or death.

Arysteon returned not long after leaving, having found not only plenty of dry fuel for the fire but also a few small critters, which he’d already skinned.

Once their bellies were full, Leyloni sat huddled against Arysteon, listening to and watching the rain as Serek roamed, playing with whatever he could get his hands on. Each time he crawled too far, Arysteon would wind his tail around the baby and pull him back, making Serek erupt into giggles.

When the evening sank into night and darkness descended upon the glade, Leyloni caught Serek and pulled him onto her lap, cocooning him in his blanket. Rather than fight, he turned his face against her and rested his hand on her chest. Her heartbeat seemed to soothe him, and he’d sought it often, especially when he was tired. Leyloni’s chest swelled with love every time he did so.

Leyloni stroked the top of Serek’s head and looked at Arysteon. Now, the tightness in her chest was from a touch of uncertainty. “We have not spoken of this directly, Arysteon, but…when we reach the Snow Trees, it was always my intent to live with them. To become a part of their tribe. It is what would be best for Serek. He…is my son now, and I will not leave him.”

Arysteon nodded and smoothed his hand down her arm, his palm rasping over the blanket covering her. He held her a little closer. “I had assumed as much, and I agree. It will be best.”

“But I have not asked you, Arysteon. Is it best for you? Are you willing to live amongst humans? Could you…could you be happy there?”

He turned his head and pressed his lips to her forehead, letting them linger as he inhaled. “I will be happy so long as I am with you and Serek, my heartsong. If you wish to stay with that tribe, if that is what you believe is right and will make you happy, I will stay with them. They will become part of my clan, and I will protect them. Should you wish instead to move on, I will walk anywhere in the world at your side without complaint. You are mine, and you are all I need for my happiness.”

She closed her eyes against the sudden sting of tears, allowing her head to fall against his chest. If it were not for Serek, Leyloni might have been content to remain out here in the wilderness with Arysteon. She might have been content to live simply, quietly, and peacefully, perhaps right in this spot. But at the same time…she missed having her tribe sisters around. Even though she’d been quiet and withdrawn, she’d always taken comfort in being surrounded by people, had taken satisfaction in working hard to do her part, had enjoyed the celebrations, stories, singing, and dancing. She had loved being part of something so much larger than herself.

She knew it would never be the same with another tribe, but if there was even a taste of it…was it wrong to want Arysteon and that sense of community at the same time? To have him and Serek to share those joys with?

“Does it…sadden you that I am not a dragon?” she asked quietly.

His chest rumbled. “I have known sorrow aplenty through my years. At times more of it than I thought I could bear. But regarding you, Leyloni, I have only one reason for sadness.”

Leyloni worried her lower lip. She did not want to ask him to elaborate, but the question came out anyway. “What is it?”

His fingers, so strong and firm and yet so gentle, caught her chin, and he tilted her face toward his. His violet eyes locked with hers, burning with passion, with desire, with love. “That I had to wait so long before finding you. The love I have for you, my heartsong, is greater than anything I could have imagined. I do not care whether you are dragon or human, only that you are mine.”

Leyloni’s breath hitched, and her heart fluttered. She leaned forward, closing the distance between them, and pressed her mouth to his. Copyright 2016 - 2024