Love, Chloe - Alessandra Torre Page 0,28


Oh. Of course. “Lucky me. I guess I can find you whenever I need you.” As soon as the response came out, I felt the blush creep along my cheeks. I rushed to cover my words. “Going out?”

He smiled. “Just down the block. Whiskey Tango. It’s my friend’s place.”

I nodded. Whiskey Tango. Fancy shmancy. God, he looked hot. And he lived in the building; that was a fun fact. C9. Not that I’d ever need his room number.

“You gonna make it upstairs okay?” He looked at me carefully, probably wondering why I was still standing, staring at him.

I nodded, trying for a casual smile. “Yeah. Of course. Have a good night.”

“You too.”

He waited until I got on the elevator, the gesture sweet, and I waved a goodbye as I stepped on. In the moments before the door closed, I heard the front door settle and wondered, the elevator starting its ascent, if he would return home alone.





Not that I’d ever need it.

27. Meeting a Movie Star

Week two of being on Boston Love Letters’ set and I already felt so much smarter. Most of my education came from Hannah who took me under her bubble-gum-smacking wing. The rest of my education came from watching, leaning my butt against any spare surface and collecting as much information as I could.

The movie was about Jenna (played by Nicole) a middle-aged waitress who started getting love letters from a stranger. The stranger ended up being Mark (played by the talented and gorgeous Joey Plazen), a younger guy who lived across the street and watched her every day through his window. Which, in normal life, would be totally creepy, but it was Joey Plazen, so of course it’d come across romantic and sexy.

And it really was big budget. Like, an actual gonna-be-in-theaters movie. While Nicole strutted around like she was big shit, I kept my mouth shut and tried to not mess up. I hadn’t yet found out what Clarke wanted me to watch out for, but I spent all my time stuck to Nicole’s side. Taking notes when she barked. Texting Hannah when I was lost.

I was mid-text, doing exactly that, when I first met Joey Plazen.


I didn’t lift my head. I couldn’t. I really, really needed to know where Set 14 was, and what the hell a stinger was, because Nicole needed one on Set 14 “ASAP.” I finished typing out the questions, adding extra question marks for urgency, then pressed SEND, looking up in agitation once it went through.

Any chance I had of responding was stuck in my throat. Joey Plazen was the actor who kicked Brad Pitt’s career to the curb. The guy who raced cars on the weekends when he wasn’t sunning himself on his two hundred foot yacht. The guy who bed costars without apology, got in street fights (and won), and who went full-frontal in his last role, an action movie that had no need for penis-flashing but whose ticket sales absolutely exploded as a result. I’d gone with Vic to the theater. Squirmed in my seat when Joey had pulled off his shirt, revealing a rippling set of perfect abs. Audibly gasped when he pulled at the drawstring of his pants and ditched the sweatpants, revealing pure freaking perfection between his muscular thighs. It was never a good idea to audibly gasp with Vic. Talk about passing a blowtorch to an arsonist.

He’d reached over. Slid his hand up my thigh, underneath my skirt, tracing his fingers lightly over the lace line of my panties. I’d pushed his hand away and he’d resisted, exploring further, the pads of his fingers persistent as they nudged past my underwear and pushed inside. I felt his breath, warm against my neck, the bite of his teeth as he nipped my neck. “You like him?” he’d whispered, his voice gruff, too loud in the silent theater, and I’d shushed him, digging my nails into his arm as I squirmed in my seat, his fingers knowing exactly how I liked it. I’d cursed his name as he pushed me further and further along the edge of oblivion, watching the movie through half-closed eyes as Joey Plazen had fucked his costar. I’d watched until the absolute last moment, when my head hit the back of the seat, and I’d fully succumbed to Vic’s touch.

I blinked the memory away and tried to focus on Joey Plazen’s face without thinking of what lay beneath his jeans.

“Hey,” I finally managed.

“You’re Nicole’s assistant, right?”

I nodded, not trusting Copyright 2016 - 2024