Love and Secrets - Kit Morgan Page 0,32

chicken?” Holly asked.

He glanced at his plate. He needed to do more eating and less thinking. Besides, she was talking now. Good. “It’s delicious. I was … just going over some things in my head.”

“Like what?” She took a bite of food and watched him.

He couldn’t help but smile. “Well, where to live, for one.”

She looked at her food. “Oh. That is a lot to think about.”

“It is,” he agreed. “Enough to make me not want to think about it. But I have to.”

“Of course, you do. You have a daughter now.” She smiled again, but there was a sadness to it. “You have to do what’s best for her. For both of you.”

You’re what’s best for me, ran through his mind and he stabbed at his chicken. He couldn’t drag Holly into his mess. Who knew what was going to happen once the Parkers found out about their granddaughter? Things could get real nasty for a while. He didn’t want to put Holly through any of it.

“Are you … going back to New York?” she hedged.

He nodded. “Eventually.” He looked into her eyes. “You know I have to.”

“Yes, I know.” She poked at her pad thai. “I’d do the same if I were in your shoes.” She took a bite and chewed.

He watched her. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say she was having some inner battle. He remembered she always got quiet when she was wrestling with something. But what could it be?

She smiled. “Think you’ll be up for some dessert?”

His face lit up. “Comfort’s Bakery?”

“Yep. I can pop over and get us something before they close.”

He glanced at his watch. “Ten to eight. All right. I’ll take care of the check here.”

She smiled and scooted out of her side of the booth. “I’ll wait for you there.”

He looked at her plate. She’d eaten only half her meal. He pointed at it. “Box?”

“Thanks.” She started off. “See you in a few.”

He nodded, unsure of what to think. It was as if she couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Was he imagining things? He hoped so. He’d hate to think she was done with him and Sophie. Heck, if he had his way, he’d like to get to know Holly all over again.

But maybe she was uncomfortable with the idea that he was a new father, and didn’t want to get involved. After all, he was a package deal now. Instant motherhood might not be her thing.

He blew out a breath. “What am I thinking?”

“All done?”

Zane jumped, saw their waitress and smiled. “Yeah, could you box up the leftovers?”

“Certainly.” She took their plates and left.

Zane drew in a shaky breath. Why his brain kept latching onto thoughts of Holly raising Sophie, he had no idea. Besides, that’s not what Holly signed up for and he wasn’t going to ask her to.

As soon as the waitress brought him the boxes, he paid the check and left to join Holly.

She stood outside Comfort’s Bakery, a white bag in her hand. “I got our favorite.” She glanced at the door. “They haven’t locked up yet if you want to take a look inside.”

“Sure, for old time’s sake.” He opened the door and waved her through. “Wow, look at this.”

“Did you want something else?” a girl behind the counter asked.

“No, just looking,” Holly said then winked. “He hasn’t seen what you’ve done with the place.”

“You must not have been in here for a while,” she said.

“No, I haven’t. I remember buying cupcakes here. They were delicious.”

“Still are,” she said with a proud smile.

“Zane, this is Hazel.” Holly motioned to the girl. “She’s a fifth generation Comfort.”

“Hazel?” he said with a huge grin. “You’re Bill Comfort’s little sister, right?”

She nodded. “Yeah.”

“Wow, I haven’t seen Bill since I left for New York. Does he still live here in town?”

“He manages this place,” she said.

He went to the counter. “I’d love to see him before I head back to New York.”

“He’s lives in The Clear Creek Arms apartments. Do you want to leave him a note?”

“Yeah, that would be great.” He turned to Holly. “Do you have a pen?”

“Oh, sure.”

He watched her dig through her purse and pull out not only a pen, but a notepad. The sheets were pink with a light gray tiara printed on them. Zane smiled as she handed him the matching pen and took the leftovers from him. He scribbled his name and phone number down, then handed the note to Hazel. “Tell him I’m only here another week.”

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