Love and Secrets - Kit Morgan Page 0,3

he joined them. “Are we ready to head home?”

Zane nodded and the four headed for the double doors. He still felt bad for getting in late and not staying the night, but it couldn’t be helped. Besides, it was better this way. Until he knew where he stood, this was how it would have to be.

“What do you need to pick up after lunch?” Rhys asked as they headed for Zane’s car.


“Your errands?”

“Oh, that. Um, Just things.” He hoped it would be enough to satisfy him. One thing about the Cookes, they loved to help folks out. They were a good-natured lot and close to his parents. He’d grown up with them and the Cooke boys had been like brothers.

“When can you come to the ranch?”

Zane knew that was coming. Their brief hello in church wasn’t going to be enough for the Cookes. “Maybe later in the week. I have a lot of catching up to do with my folks.”

Rhys laughed. “You’re here to visit, aren’t you? So be sure to visit with us too.” He looked the car over. “Rental?”


“I guess you don’t need a car in New York, do you?”

“Nope. That’s one of the things I like about it.”

“When are you going back?” Rhys asked.

“I’m … I’m not sure.” He got into the car. “I’ll meet you at my parents’ house.”

Rhys gave him a curt nod then went to get his own car. As soon as he was gone, Zane sighed in relief and started the engine.

Chapter Two

“Jack, don’t drink your milkshake so fast,” Katie scolded.

Holly popped another French fry into her mouth and chewed. She liked watching Katie interact with her children, despite the fact they were misbehaving at the moment. The four gave her a sense of family she didn’t have when she was by herself. Ever since her parents moved to Southern California a few years ago, she got lonely sometimes. Seeing Zane Brody this morning didn’t help. Thankfully Katie hadn’t said much about him since. She was too busy trying to make her children mind.

“Tiffany!” Katie gasped. The four-year-old was currently shoving two handfuls of French fries into her mouth. “You’re going to choke yourself!”

Holly shouldn’t laugh but did anyway. “I don’t know how you do it. I don’t dare keep pets because I know I’ll forget to feed them. I can’t imagine what it’s like with three children.”

“Not easy,” Katie commented and pulled French fries out of her daughter’s mouth. “Tiff eats anything. And if it’s something she likes, a lot of it.”

“As she’s so well demonstrated,” Holly said, still giggling.

“Fine, laugh. I can’t wait to see what happens when you have kids.”

Holly shook her head. “That’s going to be a long wait.”

Katie eyed her. “Are you sure?”

“Of course. I don’t plan on marrying anytime soon. Besides, you know how I love to play matchmaker.” She gave her a big grin. “Rhys was looking mighty handsome this morning …”

Katie made a scoffing sound. “Like I have time to date?” She set several French fries in front of her daughter. “Now eat them one at a time.”

The child frowned, grabbed a French fry, and shoved it in her mouth.

Katie looked at her boys and sighed. “At least they’re being civil at the moment.”

Holly glanced their way then grabbed another fry. “You can’t stay single forever, you know.”

“Holly, don’t you dare go there,” Katie warned.

She waved the French fry around. “I’m just saying that you and Rhys would make a great couple…”

Katie made a growling sound. “He had a thing for me in high school, so what? That means nothing now. Just look at you and Zane. You wouldn’t even go say hi to him.”

She had her there. She’d turned chicken the moment the sermon ended and hightailed it to the parking lot.

“Mm-hm,” Katie drawled. “Holly Kupiec, you’re not one to talk.”

Holly blew out a breath. “All right, all right. You’ve made your point.”

“And when are you going to see him?”

“Zane? I don’t even know how long he’s in town. In fact, I’m shocked he’s here at all.”

“So is his dad, considering the way he kept looking at him while he preached.” She took a moment to glare at her daughter whose hand was inching toward the basket of fries. “You should go to their house and say hi. I’m sure he wants to see you.”

“We haven’t seen each other since graduation,” Holly said. “Yeah, we had a thing for each other in high school, but so what?”

Katie’s jaw dropped. “A thing? Holly, he was Copyright 2016 - 2024