Love and Secrets - Kit Morgan Page 0,27

their reaction. But Sophie was their grandchild, how could they not instantly fall in love with her?

“All set?” Katie asked.

Holly nodded. “He’ll be there in an hour. I can’t wait for you to see her. Sophie is so much fun.”

“You sound like you’re in love,” Katie teased.

Holly stopped short as she came around the counter. “What?”

“With Sophie?” Katie said with raised brows.

Holly sighed in relief. “I am. I admit it. I even ordered her some baby clothes.”

Katie gaped at her. “Don’t tell me you’re going to dress that poor child?”

“What’s wrong with that? She’ll look fabulous when I’m done.” She grabbed her purse off the counter and dropped her cell phone into it. “Ready to lock up?”

Katie got a suspicious gleam in her eye. “In a hurry to see Zane?”

“Stop it. There’s nothing going on between us. I was babysitting. Besides, the man’s only been here a few days.”

“But if he stays…”

“He doesn’t know if he will, all right?” She had to nip this in the bud or Katie would never stop.

“We’ll see,” she drawled, then headed back to her side of the shop.

They locked up, discussed what to have for dinner, then Holly followed Katie to her parents’ house to pick up the kids. That done they headed for Katie’s.

As soon as they went into the house, Katie gathered some cleaning supplies and nodded at the garage door. “I’ll start dinner. The highchair’s in the corner next to the workbench.”

“I’m on it.” Holly grabbed the supplies and headed for the door. “Oh, by the way, Zane doesn’t like his chicken too dry.”

Katie laughed. “And we know this how?”

“I remembered, that’s all. But just in case, I guess you’d better ask him.”

“I’m starting the chicken now,” Katie said. “Besides, my chicken always comes out somewhere in the middle. That way everybody’s happy.”

“Okay, you have a point.” She opened the garage door.

“Is there anything else about Zane I should know?” Katie asked in a teasing tone.

“Not at the moment,” Holly called over her shoulder and left the kitchen. As soon as the door closed behind her, she rolled her eyes. “What am I doing? I’m not married to the man.” She found the highchair, pulled it out of the corner, then wrestled it open. She’d clean it first, then take some WD-40 to it. It obviously hadn’t been used for a couple of years.

By the time she finished, dinner was well under way. The kids had done their homework and were watching TV when Zane showed up.

Holly answered the door, Jack just behind her. “Hi. You didn’t get lost, did you?”

He arched an eyebrow. “I’ve lived in New York for the last eight years. I don’t get lost.”

She laughed and let him in. “Jack, this is my friend Zane from high school.” She waved a hand between them. “This is Katie’s oldest.”

“I remember when your mom was pregnant with you,” Zane said.

Jack gave him a funny look and shrugged. “How do you know my mom?”

“We went to school together. But your mom graduated ahead of Holly and me.”

“I thought you graduated with Mom, Auntie Holly,” Jack said.

“No, that was college. Your mom had you and took care of you for a couple of years before she started taking classes.”

Jack nodded, satisfied, then turned toward the kitchen. “Mom, your company’s here!”

Holly put a finger in her ear and shook it. Zane laughed. “Is that what I have to look forward to?”

“No, you have a girl. Watch Tiffany, Katie’s youngest. Then you’ll get an idea of what you’re in for.”

He laughed again as Katie came into the living room. “Well, hi there.”

He gave her a little wave. “I guess I have some explaining to do.”

“Not at all,” she said. “I’m happy to help. Holly cleaned the highchair up. It’s all yours.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it.”

Holly’s eyes popped open wide. “Where’s Sophie?”

“I left her with my folks. I didn’t have the heart to take Sophie from them. They were having such a good time with her.”

“I hope they don’t wear her out,” Holly said with concern.

He gave her a warm smile. “I think it might be the other way around.”

They laughed as Katie motioned them into the kitchen. “I’ll get us something to drink.” She started to rummage through the refrigerator. “When can I see her?”

“How about tomorrow?” He turned to Holly. “I’d still like to go to Stone’s and look for a stroller.”

She nodded. “Katie, you wouldn’t happen to…”

“Sorry. I just had the highchair.” Katie went to a cupboard and pulled out some glasses.

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