Love and Secrets - Kit Morgan Page 0,24


“Oh, Zane,” his mother finally said. “She’s beautiful.” She spun to her son. “She looks just like you!”

“So I’ve been told.” He glanced at Holly and back.

Mrs. Brody smiled. “Can I hold my granddaughter, please?”

“Of course.” Holly handed her the baby. She watched the woman take Sophie in her arms and tried not to cringe. She hadn’t realized she’d grown so protective over her.

“Look at you, you little angel,” Mrs. Brody cooed then glared at Zane. “You should have told us months ago!”

Zane sighed. “Mother, as I already told you, I just found out. I’ve barely had her a month.”

His mother frowned. “Well, then she should have told you! That woman…”

“Now, Janet,” Mr. Brody said. “There’s no use getting upset. What’s done is done and now we deal with it. Isn’t that right, son?”

Zane nodded, but with a determined look, Holly noted. Had his father already suggested he give her up? But she knew that wasn’t about to happen. She also knew that father and son might still come to blows. “I guess I should be going.”

“No, you’re fine,” Zane said. “Besides, we’re going to have dinner, remember?”

“How can you think of dinner at a time like this?” Mrs. Brody cried.

“Janet!” Mr. Brody said. “Our son is here, we have a healthy grandchild,” he shot Zane a look. “She is healthy, isn’t she?”

“She’s in tip top shape,” Holly said. “A very happy baby and a dream to watch.”

Mrs. Brody gave her a look that clearly said, who asked you?

Holly sighed in defeat. The woman was right, this was none of her business at this point. She should go. She went to the desk, grabbed her purse and headed for the door.

Zane blocked her path. “Holly, stay.”


“No buts. I want you here.”

She studied his face a moment, trying to read him. “Really?”

He gave her a hint of a smile. “Really,” he said, voice soft.

She nodded, then sat on the end of the bed. She could be moral support.

Zane sat next to her and the two watched his parents get their first good look at their granddaughter. It wasn’t long before Mr. Brody was holding Sophie and making silly faces at her. The baby laughed, drooled, and smacked his cheek like she’d done to Holly when they first met.

“She likes them,” Holly whispered.

“And they like her.” Zane looked at Holly and smiled. “Thanks for staying.”

“Anytime. Do you need help packing up her things?”

“I can handle it if you watch Sophie.”

“We’ll watch the baby,” Mrs. Brody said. By now she was holding her again. “You two gather up her things.” Her eyes darted around the room. “Where are her toys and clothes?”

“Mom, calm down. I’ve got it handled.” Zane stood, went to the playpen, took out the last few toys and then folded it up.

“I can take that to your car, son,” Mr. Brody said.

“Thanks Dad.” Zane pulled his keys from his pocket and tossed them to his father.

Mr. Brody picked up the playpen and hefted it out the door.

“Have you got a car seat?” Mrs. Brody asked.

“Of course, Mom.”

She glanced around the room some more. “Well, where is it?”

Zane bit his lower lip a moment. Holly could tell he was counting to ten. She was ready to do the same thing. “In the car, Mother. Where else?”

Mrs. Brody gave him a blank stare. “Oh, of course. I knew that.”

Zane put a hand to his mouth and chuckled. “Really Mom, Holly and I can get things together. Why don’t you and Dad go home?”

“What? But I don’t want to leave the baby.”

Zane drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I understand. And I also know that I’ve shocked you.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” she quipped. “It might take me a few days to get over it. If not the week!”

Zane glanced at Holly and back. “I know. I’m sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry for, son. It’s just… I’m surprised, that’s all.”

He watched his mother and Sophie a moment. “Tell you what, why don’t you and Dad take Sophie home with you? Holly and I will pack up everything here, grab something for dinner and bring it home. Then you won’t have to cook.”

His mother’s eyes widened. She looked at Sophie and smiled. “She seems to be okay with me.” She looked at Zane again. “Will she make a fuss if you’re not with us?”

“She’s a dream child to babysit,” he said with a smile.

“Doesn’t take after you then, does she?” His mother looked at Holly. “She’ll be fine then?”

Holly, surprised the Copyright 2016 - 2024