Love and Secrets - Kit Morgan Page 0,22

went to her hips. “You really need to date.”

“Stop trying to change the subject!” Katie eye her again. “Don’t tell me you don’t feel anything for him?”

Holly shrugged. “So … what if I don’t? Is it going to ruin your day?” She left the counter and went to where the shoes were displayed. “After all, we haven’t seen each other in years. You can’t expect us to pick up where we left off. And besides, he’s just visiting.” Even Holly heard the angst in her voice. But it was true. Zane didn’t know if he was staying in Clear Creek or not. For all she knew he’d pack up after a few days and head back to New York. Who knew where he’d wind up after that?

No sooner than she thought it, the bell over the door rang and in walked Zane.

Katie smiled in triumph and headed for the front of the shop. “Hi!”

Zane smiled as his eyes flicked to Holly and back. “Howdy, Katie. It’s been a long time.”

She laughed. “Howdy? Who says howdy in New York?”

“I do, for one.”

“Are you the only one?” Holly asked as she joined them.

He turned his smile on her. “You’d be surprised how many Texans are in New York.”

“That is a surprise,” Katie said. “So, here for a haircut?”

“As a matter of fact, yes.” He smiled at Holly. “And maybe something for my mother?”

“Sure, follow me.” She headed for the back of the shop and hopefully out of earshot. He must want a gift to help soften the blow. Or had he told his parents about Sophie already? As far as she knew, he was going to give it another go tonight.

Katie followed them. “I have a little time, Zane, but not much. Don’t take too long.”

“No worries,” he said as he tagged along behind Holly.

As soon as they reached the back of the boutique, she faced him and whispered, “Is everything all right?”

“Everything’s fine. Beatrice is with Sophie.” He glanced at the different displays of clothes and shoes. “I just thought it might be nice to pick something up for Mom. She looks like she needs a new purse.”

“She doesn’t buy much in here,” Holly confessed.

He fingered a yellow sundress with tiny white flowers. “Pretty.” He looked at the price tag. “Decent. But more than my mom would spend. Which is why I thought I’d get her something.”

“That’s nice of you.” She glanced at Katie’s end of the shop. “Will you be seeing her this evening?”

He looked into her eyes. “Yes.”

“Okay,” she drawled. “The bags are over here. I have a nice red one she might like.” She led him to the “purse tree” and began to point at different bags. “What color does she like?”

“She does like red, but isn’t black more practical? Goes with everything, you know?”

“Yes, that’s true.” She took a bag from the tree. “How’s Sophie this morning?” she whispered.

He smiled. “Happy as a clam. Just like you.”

She smiled back. “She’s so adorable, I almost can’t stand it.” She cleared her throat. “Small, medium, or large?” she asked in her normal voice.

He blinked. “Uh, medium … I guess.”

She rolled her eyes. “Men. Your mother’s a pastor’s wife. Will she need one big enough to carry her Bible in?”

“Oh, yeah, I hadn’t thought of that.”

She laughed. “Of course not. You’re a guy.” She put the bag back, chose a bigger one with pockets, and handed it to him. “Here, this looks like something your mom could use.”

He took the bag and examined it. “Yeah, she would like this.”

“Zane,” Katie called from the front of the shop. “If you want that haircut, now’s the time.”

“Be right there!” He gave his attention back to Holly. “Can you gift wrap it?”

“I can put it in a pretty bag with some colored tissue paper.”

“That works.” His eyes met hers and locked. “Would you … like to have dinner again tonight?”

Her cheeks grew hot. “Oh, um, sure.”

He smiled and leaned toward her. “Sophie will be happy to see you again.”

She glanced at the front of the shop and back. Katie was tidying her station. “I can’t wait to see her.” She nodded at Katie. “You’d better go. She’s always on a tight schedule. You’re lucky she can fit you in.”

He nodded, eyes still locked on hers, before he turned and headed for the front of the shop.

“I’ll wrap this up,” she called after him.

He turned, winked, then continued on.

Holly’s chest warmed. She liked helping him, even if it meant keeping things from Katie. But Copyright 2016 - 2024