Love and Secrets - Kit Morgan Page 0,18

Holly did it again and got the same reaction. “Well, you’re going to be fun.”

She fought a pang of regret and wondered what would have happened if she and Zane had kept in contact all these years. Would they be married and have a baby between them?

But that’s not what happened. There were years of no communication. He had no idea what she’d been doing all this time and she had… okay, so she had a good idea what he’d been doing. Still, would there be any chance for them now?

Holly sighed as she handed Sophie another toy. “Stop torturing yourself. It’s not worth it. You’re going to help the guy out and move on.” She sighed again and was surprised at the sting of tears behind her eyes.

It wasn’t long before Zane returned from his parents’ house. Holly took in the disappointed look on his face and eased off the bed. Sophie was sleeping. “Oh, no, what happened?”

Zane shrugged. “We got interrupted before I could tell them anything.” He went to the other bed and sat.

“By what?” she asked and sat next to him.

“Victoria Turner.”

Holly’s eyes widened. “Oh, her.”

“That sounded ominous,” he said. “But my dad was happy to see the woman and she obviously wanted to talk to him, so…”

“You had a quick visit with your mother and came back here?”

“Ha! There’s no such thing as a quick visit when it comes to my mother.” He looked at his watch, then showed it to Holly. He’d been gone a good two hours.

“Why didn’t you speak to them after Victoria left?” Holly asked.

“Because she was still there when I left,” he explained.

Her eyebrows shot to the ceiling. “Wow. I wonder what she’s talking to your dad about?”

He went to the other bed and smiled at his sleeping daughter. “Well, he is the town preacher. A lot of people go to him for counsel.”

“Or confession?” Holly said and joined him.

“Considering it was Victoria Turner, I can understand a counseling session. Mom said she’d been having a tough time lately.” He gave her a side-long glance. “And that you would know more about it than she did.”

“Oh, yes, that.” She sat on the bed again. “Long story short, John’s aunt Victoria tried to break him and Crystal up.”

Now his brows shot up. “What?”

Holly gave him a sage nod. “Well, you’ve heard what a gold digger she is.”

“I think everyone in town has.”

“Anyway, she couldn’t stand the thought of Crystal and John getting back together. She called Crystal a gold digger – which is like the pot calling the kettle black. But, once John and a few friends …,” she made a show of patting her hair, “… figured out what she was doing and talked to Crystal, a proposal came next, and the rest is history.” She blew on her fingernails and rubbed them against her chest.

“You helped with that?”

“So did Katie. Between the three of us we convinced Crystal of what was happening and paved the way for John to do his thing.”

He smiled and sat next to her. “Which was?”

“I just told you, proposing.”

He smiled. “You did.” He heaved a sigh.



“I’m surprised you didn’t eat something at your folks’ house,” she said.

“My mom asked me to stay for dinner, but I didn’t want to leave you stuck with Sophie that long.”

She smiled at Sophie. “It would have been fine, Zane. I don’t mind.”

He patted her on the knee. “But I do.” He removed his hand and looked away. “I could run over to Daisy’s and grab us something.”


“Unless you’d rather go home?” He glanced at Sophie. “I understand if you’re feeling cooped up.”

“No, that’s not it. I’m fine. How about I go get us something? Do you still like Mexican?”

“Have I ever not?” he said with a laugh.

“There’s a great little Mexican place in old town. We can call in an order, and I’ll pick it up.” She left the bed, grabbed her purse off the small desk, and pulled out her cell phone.

“Do you have the place on speed dial?” he teased.

“Of course. You know how I love Mexican food.” She dialed the number. “Trust me?”

He shrugged. “Do I have a choice?”

She shook her head. “Hi, I’d like to place an order to go?”

She ordered what she remembered he liked, then something for herself. When she finished the call, she gave him a wide grin. “There, I hope that was all right.”

“Chicken enchiladas with beans and rice? Absolutely!” He joined her at the desk. “You have a good Copyright 2016 - 2024