To Love Again - Bertrice Small Page 0,94

first wife was a good and an honorable woman. What he did not say about the wife you now have is more of interest,” Cailin said. “If you would tell me, my lord, I should like to know.”

“Flacilla is a member of the Strabo family,” Aspar began. “They are very powerful at court. Our marriage was one of convenience. She does not live with me, and frankly I do not even like her.”

“Then why did you marry her?” Cailin asked curiously. “You did not need to marry again at this time, my lord. You have one grown son, Zeno says, and a second son as well as a daughter.”

“Did Zeno mention my grandchildren?” Aspar demanded with a certain humor in his voice. “My daughter Sophia has three children, and my eldest son has four. Since Patricius, my youngest, shows no signs of wanting to be a monk, I can assume he, too, will give me more grandchildren one day when he is grown and wed.”

“You have grandchildren?” Cailin was astounded. He did not look that old, and his behavior was certainly not that of an old man. “How old are you, my lord Aspar? I was nineteen in the month of April.”

He groaned. “Dear God! I am certainly old enough to be your father, my little love. I am fifty-four this May past.”

“You are nothing like my father,” she murmured, and then she boldly pulled his head to her and kissed him softly, sweetly.

His head swam pleasantly with her daring. “No,” he said, his gray eyes smiling into her violet ones, “I am not your father, am I, my little love?” He kissed her back; a long, slow, deep kiss.

Cailin’s senses reeled. Finally, when she recovered herself, she said, “Tell me more about your wife, my lord Aspar.”

“I like the sound of my name upon your lips,” he said.

“The lady Flacilla Strabo, my lord Aspar,” she insisted.

“I married her for several reasons. The late emperor, Marcian, whom I placed upon the throne of Byzantium and married to the princess Pulcheria, was dying, and there were no heirs.

“Marcian came from my own household. He had served me loyally for twenty years. When I realized his end was near, I chose Leo, another of my household, to be the next emperor. I needed certain support from the court, however. The patriarch of Constantinople, the city’s religious leader, is a relation of the Strabo family, and family ties are strong here. Without him I could not have hoped to place Leo on the throne. To ensure his support, and that of the Strabo family, I married the widowed Flacilla. She was pregnant with a lover’s child at the time, and was causing her family untold embarrassment.”

“What happened to the child?” Cailin wondered aloud.

“She miscarried it in her fifth month,” he said, “but it was too late. She was my wife. In return for my aid, the patriarch and the Strabo family supported my choice of Leo. Of course, other patrician families followed suit. This allowed us a peaceful transition from one emperor to another. Civil war is unpleasant at the least, Cailin. And Flacilla is to all outward appearances a good wife. She has taken my little son, Patricius, in her charge, and is a very good mother to him. He is being raised in the Orthodox faith. I hope to match him with the princess Ariadne one day, and make him Leo’s heir, for the emperor has no sons.”

“What do you want of me, my lord, I mean other than the obvious?” Cailin asked him, and then she blushed at her own audacity. Still, her life since leaving Britain had been so unsettled. She needed to know if she was to have a permanent home.

He thought for several long minutes. “I loved my first wife,” he began. “When Anna died, I thought that I should never again care for a woman. I certainly do not like Flacilla, but I serve a purpose for her. Her social stature is practically as high as the empress Verina, for I am the General of the Eastern Armies, and the First Patrician of the Empire. Flacilla, in turn, mothers my orphaned son, but that is all she does for me.

“I am powerful, Cailin, but I am alone, and the honest truth is, I am a lonely man. When I saw you that night at Villa Maxima, you touched me as no woman has ever really touched me. I need your love, I need your gentleness, and Copyright 2016 - 2024