To Love Again - Bertrice Small Page 0,189

“You look quite well, considering the active night you must have had beneath my uncle.”

“I will kill him if he has touched you!” Wulf Ironfist said angrily.

“I already have,” Cailin told him bluntly, and Aelfa grew pale at her words. “He did not rape me, my lord, though he sought to do so.”

“How could you have killed so large a man, lambkin?” her husband gently inquired. Was she truly all right? he wondered.

“I slit his throat,” Cailin said tonelessly.

“With what?” he asked. The gods! She was so pale.

“The voice within would not stop nagging at me,” she began. “I do not know why I did it, but when you departed to visit our villages, I put a knife beneath the feather bed in our bed space. When he climbed atop me, I found it and I killed him. There was so much blood, Wulf! I can never sleep in that solar again. Ever!” She began to weep.

He comforted her as best he could, and when she had ceased to sob, he told her, “I have much news, lambkin, and it is good.” Then seeing the darkling stain spreading across her tunic dress, he cried out, “Lambkin, are you injured?”

Cailin looked down and laughed weakly. “I need Royse,” she said. “My breasts are overflowing with my milk.”

“Nellwyn will have him here shortly,” he promised her, and put a loving arm about her. “Aurora too.”

“How devoted you are to each other,” Aelfa sneered, “but what is to become of us, I should like to know?”

“Her memory has returned, I take it,” Wulf said with a small attempt at humor. They walked into the hall and seated themselves at the high board. Aelfa followed, but positioned herself next to Harald.

“She never lost her memory,” Cailin told him. “Let me tell you a story that I learned as a child. In ancient times a Grecian king named Menelaeus had a beautiful queen who was called Helen. The king was old, but he loved his wife. The queen, however, was young, and she fell in love with a handsome youth, Paris. They fled to his father’s city of Troy. A war between Troy and several powerful Grecian states erupted over the insult to Menelaeus and his efforts to regain Helen, the beauteous queen.

“Troy, however, was considered impregnable. Enormous high walls surrounded it. There was a goodly supply of fresh water and food. For many years the Greeks besieged it, but they could not take the city. Finally they agreed to cease their war with Troy, and as a gesture of peace, the departing Greek armies left a magnificent large, carved, and decorated horse on wheels behind for the Trojans. The citizens of Troy opened their gates and brought the horse into the city. All day they celebrated their victory over Menelaeus and his allies.

“In the dark of the night, when all lay sleeping, the Greek army, which had secreted itself within the belly of the Trojan horse, came forth and took the city of Troy, showing no mercy. All were killed, and the city destroyed.

“Aelfa was Ragnar Strongspear’s Trojan horse. She allowed herself to be beaten, and she pretended to have no knowledge of herself but her name, so that she might gain our sympathies. Then she set about to fascinate and lure both our gatekeepers because she could not be certain which one of them would be on duty the night she intended to let her uncle and his men into Cadda-wic.”

“Albert and Bran-hard told me what happened,” Wulf said. “I have forgiven them both. They have learned a valuable lesson by this.” He looked out over the hall at Ragnar’s men. “Now I must decide what to do with these men. Shall I kill them, or show mercy?”

“Mercy, lord!” the men cried with one voice. “Mercy!”

Cailin leaned over and whispered to her husband. “Ragnar’s brother, Gunnar, will think to profit from his brother’s death; but his daughter, Aelfa, is, I think, ambitious. She will want her uncle’s lands for Harald, who is to be her husband. Is there not some way in which we might set these men against each other? If they are busy battling one another, they will not have time to bother with us, my lord. And let us not forget our old friend Antonia Porcius. Those lands were hers before Ragnar Strongspear stormed across them. I do not think Antonia is ready to let go of her dreams for Quintus, the younger, yet.”

Wulf grinned at his wife. “Truly Flavius Copyright 2016 - 2024