To Love Again - Bertrice Small Page 0,108

of it. He looked at Flacilla. “I was not aware that you patronized Villa Maxima.”

“Occasionally,” Flacilla answered carefully. “Jovian’s little playlet was the rage of the city early last summer. She does not look like a whore, Aspar.”

“I am not,” Cailin replied sharply. “My blood is nobler than yours, lady. I am a Drusus of the great Roman family.”

“Rome is finished. It has been for eons, and since Attila pillaged it several years ago, there is little of any consequence left, including its families. This is the center of the world now,” Flacilla sneered.

“Do not boast so proudly, lady,” Cailin returned. “This center of the world you so loftily hail is as rotten as an egg that has lain in the sun all day. In Britain we do not debase our women before an audience of lewd and cheering lechers! You should be ashamed to admit to what you saw, but why should it surprise me? Even your priests came to see Jovian’s entertainments. The outward beauty of your city cannot make up for the darkness in your hearts and souls. I pity you.”

“Will you allow this slave to speak to me so?” Flacilla demanded. She glared angrily at Aspar. “I am still your wife, and will have respect!”

“Cailin is not a slave,” Aspar said quietly. “I freed her months ago. She is your equal, Flacilla, and may speak to you as she chooses.” He took Cailin’s hand in his and then continued, “I will give you your divorce, Flacilla. I will go with you myself to the patriarch, and we will tell him of our wishes. I have no quarrel with you, and never have had. If you have found happiness, as I have found it, then I wish you well, and will do whatever I can to ensure your good fortune.”

Flacilla’s anger was almost immediately tempered. “That is most generous of you, my lord,” she said slowly.

“There is one condition,” he told her. “You will not gossip about Cailin’s past, Flacilla. You must swear to me that you will be silent, or I will not acquiesce in this matter. A divorce is more to your advantage, my dear wife, than it is to mine. And you will still be my eyes and ears at Verina’s court. Those are my terms. Will you swear?”

“Why is this more to my advantage than to yours, Aspar?” Flacilla said.

“You wish to marry Justin Gabras, do you not? You cannot marry him without a divorce. I, on the other hand, will never be permitted to marry Cailin because of her unusual beginnings in Constantinople. The fact that I keep her with me as my mistress is not a crime, nor is it considered unique for a man of my position. Whether you are my wife or not, Flacilla, Cailin will remain my mistress; but to marry your lover, my dear, you must be free of me. So it is more to your advantage that I agree to divorce you than it is to mine. Would you not say I am correct?” He smiled at her in a friendly manner, cocking his head to one side questioningly. “Well, Flacilla, what say you, my dear?”

She nodded. “As always, Aspar, you are correct. I must tell you that I have ever found this trait of yours most irritating, however. Very well, I swear on the body of our crucified Lord that I will not gossip or speak ill of your little barbarian pagan lover. I rarely give my word, as you know. You also know you may trust that word.”

“I do, Flacilla,” he said. “Now when would you like to meet with your cousin, the patriarch? I am at your disposal in this matter.”

“Let us do it today!” she said eagerly. “Let us simply call upon him, without warning. If we take him unawares, he is more likely to cooperate than if he sits down with his council of bishops and they natter on about the matter. I know just the argument to sway him, Aspar.”

“Go on ahead of me,” he told her. “I will ride, and catch up with you before you even reach the city gates. Allow me to escort you to your litter, Flacilla. Cailin, remain here.”

“I am content to do so,” she said, and he heard ice in her tone.

Aspar walked with his wife to where her litter awaited her.

“What a pity you cannot marry her,” Flacilla said wickedly. “She loves you like Anna did, and is obviously meant to be a Copyright 2016 - 2024