Love According to Science_ A Hot Enemies-t-Lovers Romantic Comedy (Dirty Martini Running Club #2) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,99

there are plenty of things. We just need to get to know each other better.”

“Do you like comic books? Or rock climbing? What about penguins?”

Her forehead creased. “What do penguins have to do with anything?”

“How do you feel about them?”

“I have no idea. Corban, I’m your sister’s best friend and we’ve known each other since high school. That’s like fate or something, don’t you think?”

“No. And you were kind of shitty to me back in high school.”

“How was I shitty to you in high school?” She crossed her arms again.

“It doesn’t matter now. The bottom line is, I’m not into this.” I pointed back and forth between the two of us. “I’m sorry you thought something was going to happen, but it’s not. I’m already…” I trailed off before I could say I’m already in love with someone else.

“You’re already with someone?”

“Not exactly, but that doesn’t matter either. Even if I was totally single, my answer would be the same.”

Her eyes narrowed, flicking up and down, and her jaw tightened. “Fine. I gave you a chance with me and you won’t get another one. I hope you don’t regret it.”

Not even for a second, Paisley. Not for one second.

She tossed her hair over her shoulder and swept out.

“You’re still wearing my—”

The door slammed behind her.


I didn’t really want it back anyway.

“That had to be one of the top five weirdest experiences of my life.” I didn’t know who I was talking to. I half expected to look down and see Erwin blinking at me.

I went into the bedroom and put on a t-shirt and pair of sweats. Had that just happened? Had Paisley Hayes just told me she liked me and wanted to sleep with me?

There was a time when that would have seemed like all my dreams coming true. But seventeen-year-old boys weren’t exactly the smartest creatures, even ones who were otherwise geniuses.

I didn’t want Paisley Hayes. We weren’t right for each other, and I’d known that for years.

But it figured. I’d liked Paisley in high school, and she hadn’t liked me. Now Paisley wanted me, but I wanted Hazel.

And Hazel? To her, I was just a warm body and a science experiment.



“In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.” ~ Mignon McLaughlin

Hazel had avoided me all day. And I didn’t want to be grumpy about it, but I was.

We hadn’t talked once over the weekend, and now that we were back at work, it felt like we were enemies all over again.

Not that we were picking at each other. I hadn’t turned her nameplate around, and she hadn’t left any memos on my desk. Truthfully, that would have been preferable to the awkward silence hanging between us. To the way she avoided my eyes and walked by my office quickly, like she didn’t want to see me. The way she’d abruptly left the lab without a word when I’d come in this morning.

I wasn’t the one who’d come up with a stack of research articles after she’d shared something personal. When I’d found out she’d been married before, had I immediately gone home and looked up everything I could find on getting over a divorce? Had I tried to science my way into her head so I could fix her? No.

So if me being mad about that put a wedge between us, fine.

I hunkered down in my chair and turned my attention back to my grant application. I had feedback from Elliott, showing me exactly how much work I needed to do to make it stronger. It was a lot, but this was why I was here.

My phone dinged and for a split second, I hoped it was Hazel. Maybe she wanted to talk so she could apologize. Or maybe she wanted to pick a fight with me. I wasn’t even sure if I cared which one it was.

But it wasn’t Hazel. It was someone who’d found one of her fake fliers with my number on it—were there actually more of those out there?—asking about my free tutoring services.

Awesome. Maybe I’d put up fliers around campus advertising Hazel’s services. Do you have unresolved issues from your past? Have you ever wanted someone to poke at your insecurities like you’re a lab rat? Call Hazel Kiegen.

Looking at my phone, however, reminded me of the time. I was due in the lab in a few minutes.

With Hazel.


I got up and my stomach growled. Loudly. I’d forgotten my lunch at home today. Because Copyright 2016 - 2024