Love According to Science_ A Hot Enemies-t-Lovers Romantic Comedy (Dirty Martini Running Club #2) - Claire Kingsley Page 0,44


“Why didn’t you tell me something was wrong?” Nora stepped over Erwin and took my hands, leading me out to my couch. “I would have come over sooner.”

“I sent you a text.”

“You said I should stop by because you made cookies. You didn’t say you were therapy-baking, nor that you’d gone through twenty pounds of flour in half a day.”

“I have more flour.” I gestured toward the kitchen as she nudged me onto the couch and sat beside me.

“That’s not my point, and you know it. Now tell me what’s going on.”

I adjusted my glasses and blurted it out. “I had sex with Corban last night.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You had sex with the man you’ve been complaining about?”


“The one you call your nemesis?”


“Why were you two even here? Or was it at his place?”

“Neither. It was at work. In the copy room.”

Nora blinked at me. “I’m sorry, honey, what did you just say?”

“I had sex with Corban Nash in the copy room at work,” I said miserably, my shoulders slumping.

Without a word, she got up and disappeared into the kitchen. I heard cupboards opening and the clink of glass. Erwin got up from his spot on the floor and moved a few feet over to his kitty bed.

She came back loaded down with a bottle of gin, tonic, a lime, a knife and cutting board, and two glasses filled with ice.

“I’m going to be honest,” she said as she started prepping drinks on the coffee table. “I don’t know if I’m equipped to handle this alone. Did you have to get yourself into this mess while Everly’s on her honeymoon?”

“I didn’t mean to.”

“I know you didn’t, sweetie. I just don’t know if I should be the one to walk you through this. My first instinct is to ask about his dick size and how many orgasms you had, and I have a feeling that isn’t what you need right now. Everly would know how to begin. I’m better as backup. Or styling, but there’s nothing I can do with that.” She gestured to me.


“You’re covered in flour. So, how big was his dick and how many orgasms did you have?”

I raised my eyebrows at her.

“See? We need Everly.” She handed me a gin and tonic. “Drink that, and no more baking.”

I sipped my drink while Nora got up and fished her phone out of her purse. She tapped her foot while she sent a text, then waited, her eyes on the screen.

Her ringer chimed and she quickly swiped to answer. “Everly, you are the best, most beautiful friend in the entire world. I’m so sorry to bug you, but Hazel had sex with her nemesis.”

She wandered into my kitchen and lowered her voice, although I could still hear her.

“Yes, she had sex with that Corban guy. At work. I just got here, and she’s already made enough desserts to open a bakery. I got her out of the kitchen and mixed her a drink.”

Nora paused, but I couldn’t hear what Everly was saying.

“Good idea, I will. At this point, I think I’ll just cancel my plans for tonight and we’ll stay in and get tipsy.”

Another pause.

“You’re a goddess. I love you. Go fuck that hot husband of yours on the beach and pretend I didn’t interrupt.”

I took another sip of my drink while Nora came back and sat down next to me.

“This isn’t that big of a crisis,” I said. “You didn’t need to call Everly.”

“The pile of baked goods on your counter says otherwise.” She finished another text and set her phone down. “Besides, you know I count on Everly to balance out my advice when it comes to men. She suggested I call in Sophie as backup.”

Erwin waddled over and sat at my feet, looking up at me with sleepy green eyes. I scooped him up and set him on the couch next to me.

“What have you been feeding him?” Nora eyed my cat.

“That’s an odd question. Cat food. What else would I feed him?”

“Are you sure he’s not gorging on cookies?”

I ran a hand down Erwin’s back. “Cats don’t generally eat that sort of thing. In fact, they don’t have the taste receptors for sweet flavors.”

“You know I’m not pro-dieting as a general rule, but I think he needs to go on a diet.”

“No he doesn’t.” I kept petting him. “He’s just fluffy.”

Nora raised her eyebrow. “Okay.”

“He’s not fat,” I argued.

“Hazel, he can’t even jump up on the couch.”

My brow furrowed. “He’s getting older. And he’s Copyright 2016 - 2024