Lost in the Silence - A.R. Breck Page 0,63

bar. She’s in charge of the pull tab station. Jed usually goes with her, because he’s an overbearing, possessive asshole.

I thought he was gone, and those are the best days. When I have the house to myself and I can go anywhere besides trapping myself in my room. I can’t hang out with them. It leads to fights and my mom complaining about shit, and I just can’t deal.

So, thinking I was alone, I took advantage of the empty house and hung out in the living room. I put on Magic Mike, because who doesn’t like to ogle Channing Tatum in their free time?

Grabbing some snacks and a soda, I plop down on the couch and enjoy my free time for once in my life.

Halfway through the movie, I hear my mom’s bedroom door open. I freeze, my hand halfway to my mouth with a chip when Jed appears in the hallway.

Scrambling off the couch, I attempt to grab the wrappers and trash I’ve collected and go to throw it away.

“What’re you doing?” He grumbles at me, scratching at his bare stomach. It’s pale and bloated from all the beer he drinks, with so much hair it makes me want to gag.

“Sorry, I thought you were with Mom.”

“No. I had the shits earlier and decided to stay home.”

I cringe in disgust and go to move past him.

“What do you got there? Are those my chips?” He steps in front of me, blocking my way to the trash bin.

I crumple the bag, hoping to hide what he’s already seen. My stomach rolls with nausea. I hate confrontations with him. I wanted a day, just one day to myself where I didn’t have to deal with him or my mom.

No such luck today.

“Sorry,” I repeat, “I was hungry.”

“You were hungry? Maybe you should get a job so you can buy your own damn food and quit freeloading off of me and your mom.”

I scowl at him. He can barely hold a job himself, always hopping from one job to the next. Most of the time, it’s my mom’s food stamps or small paychecks she earns that he lives off of.

“Move out of my way, Jed.” I go to shoulder past him when I feel his fingers dig into the back of my neck.

“Are you gettin’ an attitude with me? I didn’t know you had the balls.” It feels like his fingers are trying to reach bone, pressing so hard I know bruises are already forming. He starts pressing me forward. There’s no chance in me being able to get out of it. Fighting is fruitless when there’s a man as large as Jed at your side.

I go forward, further and further. I bend at the waist, and I almost cry out in relief when he releases my neck. But he places his hands over my shoulders, his fingertips once again digging into me, only this time it’s on the space right above my breasts. They dig in to the point of pain, and glancing down, I see his fingertips turning white with the pressure.

Bent at the waist, I can feel him lingering over the top of me with his hot breath on the back of my neck. A chill breaks out down the back of my spine when he speaks, “And put on something that covers those whore tits of yours.” He shoves me forward, and my head bangs onto the counter in front of me.

I press my hand there to rid the ache and swallow down the whimper that tries to break free. He snatches the bag of chips from my hand and goes to the couch.

What a fucking bastard.

Standing up, I ignore the pounding headache and head back to my room.

I’m done with this shit. I’m out.

Which leads me to where I am now. Shoving as many of my belongings as possible into my bag. I don’t know where I’m going, but all I know is I’m done with Jed’s shit. I’m done with my mom, too, but she’s useless. Jed is a fucking creep. He pushes me around and borderline sexually harasses me. I can’t handle it.

I have to get out of here.

I sit down on my backpack to close it. There’s no room for food or drink, but there’s no way in hell I’m going out there to grab anything anyway. I’ll just walk past him and leave.


Once my backpack is zipped fully, I heft the strap around my shoulder and take one last glance around my room.

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