Lost in the Silence - A.R. Breck Page 0,43

running it from his neck down his chest. I can feel his heartbeat running a mile a minute as it tries to race its way out of his chest.

He disconnects from me, nuzzling underneath my neck and I immediately understand. I pull my shirt down, embarrassingly large breasts heaving in front of his face. I didn’t pump before I left, knowing I’d need to feed Wesley right when I got back.

I never in a million years thought that this would happen. That he'd get me hot in bothered on the side of the highway.

“Holy fucking shit.” He groans, looking at my breasts as they hang in front of his face, pleading for relief. A droplet of milk hangs from the nipple, dangerously close to falling.

I wipe it off, feeling a zing as I touch my nipple. They’re overly sensitive and I want nothing else than to have Jackson ravage me and give me the relief my body is begging for.

He nuzzles my breast, licking around the nipple and groaning in torture.

That’s what this is. Complete torture.

As if he can read my thoughts, he pulls back and gives me a look of irritation. “Can’t do this.”

“What? Why?” I whine, feeling ridiculous that I sound like a child right now.

“I can’t.” He nods down at his cock, which is not erect in the slightest. “Pull up your shirt. Let’s go.”

Suddenly self-conscious that other people can see me with my post-pregnancy tits hanging out, I slip my shirt up, wincing at the tingling as my nipples hit my bra. Yeah, I really need to go breastfeed.

Sliding back over to the driver’s seat, I crank the truck into drive and head back home.

I really hope that Jackson gets his feeling back, because our sexual tension can only go on for so long without one of us losing our grip on our humanity.



Waking up, I stretch out and let out a little sigh when I don’t hear Wesley crying. It doesn’t happen much nowadays. If I’m waking up, it’s to my little monster letting out a little wail. Screeching and crying or grunting and babbling. To wake up to silence, my morning instantly feels a little more peaceful.

Wait, what?

I shoot up, suddenly freaking out at the fact that Wesley is not crying. All of the horrible and terrifying thoughts run through my mind as I try to rub the sleep out of my eyes and look over to Wesley’s bassinet.

I freeze.

Jackson’s arm is extended over Wesley’s Halo bassinet and his long fingers brush over a sleeping Wesley’s forehead ever so gently. Back and forth. Back and forth.

I sit there on my knees in the center of the bed, my eyes as wide as they will go and my jaw slack. Hanging off its hinges.

“W-what?” I whisper. “How?”

Jackson shrugs. Uses a little bit of his shoulder.

I start crying. “When?” Wesley startles, and Jackson starts rubbing his head in a different direction until Wesley settles back down.

“Last night.” He mumbles, seemingly disconnected. He doesn’t seem as happy as I thought he would be.

“Why didn’t you wake me?”

“I don’t sleep, Cara. No reason for you to not sleep, too.”

I settle back into the bed, heart slowing down now that I know Wesley is okay. “Well, tell me. What happened?”

He shrugs again. “Nothing, really. It felt like when your foot is asleep. My arms started getting a weird tingle, and slowly the sensation started coming back.”

“What about your legs?” The thought that he could get up off this bed right now and things could go back to normal is fucking mind boggling.

When he shakes his head somberly, I understand why his expression is so disconnected. Only half of him works, and half is never good enough for Jackson.

This last week since Jackson’s doctor and physical therapy appointment has been filled with constant exercises. Not my idea, it’s been all Jackson’s. I tried telling him he needed to take it easy, but he wouldn’t listen. Maybe it paid off, after all.

“Have you tried doing anything? Getting up or anything?”

He shakes his head. “I feel… weak.” He looks over at Wesley and keeps rubbing his head. “He’s so soft.” He mumbles. “I never thought… I didn’t think I’d ever be able to feel him.” He seems so content, just sitting there with his hand on Wesley. Like it’s the best thing in the world.

“He’s perfect, Cara. I never said that before, but he’s a good baby.”

I nod, tears filling at his kind words. “He is.”

“He looks like you.”


“I think he has

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