The Lost Fae (The Twisted Crown #3) - A.K. Koonce Page 0,32

The bulbous tops above the towers are a swirl of yellow and red that ends in a skinny point. I can still hear running water, but can’t see any at all.

The stones that were used to build the castle are roughly shaped and look more like a hodgepodge of towering blocks that a child would make at playtime than a building that's structurally sound. Still, I find it beautiful and can't keep from staring at the bright colors.

"The queen's castle." Beatrice stops abruptly, crinkling her nose at one of the statues.

"Doesn't look like a castle to me. Much more of a mansion." Ziko appears most unimpressed.

One of the statues falls over in the snow with a loud thunk. I swivel on my toes. My brows furrow as I acknowledge that not a single person is standing near the figure that has fallen. Unleveled bottom maybe? The queen should really be working on her handiwork.

Another thud sounds from the opposite direction. And I turn the other way to see another statue laying on its side.

Okay... that's weird.

Beatrice crosses her arms. "I fucking hate this part. So unnecessary."

Then both the stones start rolling toward us. Between each revolution, when the face is pointed at us, I swear I can see smiles growing on their stone lips. Both statues roll until they stop at our feet.

It takes all of me not to step away. I lock my knees and grit my teeth preparing myself for whatever is about to happen. In a movement much too graceful for stone, the statues lift themselves back to standing. Their grey eyes shift inside their skulls, granting noisily as they look around the crowd.

"God, trolls are so fucking annoying," Lincoln growls.

"Trolls?" I ask and both of their cold hard gazes snap to my face.


Riddle Me This

"Who dares approach the castle of our one true queen of The Lost Lands?" Their lips move and their voices join in perfect harmony.

"Oh, relax." Captain Beatrice grits her teeth. "These are newcomers, come to learn the rules. We did the queen a favor. Now would you just let us on through?"

"They aren't just going to let us through." Lincoln leans toward me and whispers.

"And why not?" I ask, not sure I'm ready for the answer.

"Because they are fucking trolls and they can't do anything without first being a pain in the ass. It's just what they do."

And Kai thought so highly about the food in the troll’s realm. He never once mentioned that the creatures could do anything bothersome. But then again... he didn't mention a lot of things. Perhaps I just didn't know him as well as I thought that I did. Well, clearly, I didn't.

"What are they going to do?"

"Ask us for something." Lincoln's foot taps impatiently on the ground as he waits for them to continue.

"Like money?" I don't recall Captain Beatrice grabbing anything to bring along in offering. What else could they want from us?

"More like entertainment."

As long as it isn't singing then we'll probably be good. I had the voice of an old spinster woman when I tried to sing. Not pretty. Very embarrassing.

"They may see the queen if they answer our riddles." They speak again and I fight the need to roll my eyes at them. "We will ask you three riddles, and if you can guess them correctly you may be on your way."

"Pathetic excuse for guards," Beatrice sneers under her breath.

The trolls turn to look at her and offer her a dark smile. "Your crew may not help them. They alone must answer the questions, or I'm afraid you've traveled all this way for nothing. Access will not be granted if they cannot solve these."

"Well, out with them then." I throw my hands up in the air, letting them clap against my thighs when they come back down. Lincoln sighs dramatically, mirroring my own impatience.

Their heads swivel back toward us. The circle of their carved pupils grows and contracts almost mechanically as they stare us down.

“Wetter and wetter but faller and faller. Go away, go away. And yet, I think I’ll stay. What am I?”

What. The. Fuck?

That’s a riddle?

Those are just words. Random fucking words.

Read their minds.

What? I balk totally forgetting for the moment that I'm not just plain human anymore.

Dive into one of their heads and the answer will be there. Trolls are one of the lowest born species. Their minds are easy to tap into. I know you can do it, he encourages.

I brush away the hair that the wind blows Copyright 2016 - 2024