Losing Control - By Robyn Grady Page 0,18

people who should matter...just in case.

"As Mr. Hunter moved to enter the car, two shots rang out," Judge said. "I pursued the gunman on foot. He panicked and ran in front of traffic."

Cole sized up Judge, and the situation. "A rather clumsy assassin, wouldn't you say?"

"Clearly," Judge said, "he didn't anticipate the chase."

"Which hospital was he taken to?" Cole asked.

"Head injuries were extensive," Judge said. "He died before paramedics got to the scene."

Cole cleared the sudden blockage in his throat. Had he heard right? Just like that, the guy had been creamed and this god-awful drama was over?

But of course this episode was far from finished. A stack of questions needed answers. The most obvious - why? Again Cole spoke to Judge.

"I suppose now your work truly begins."

"To dig into his background, the motives, whether he worked alone." Jeremy Judge nodded his long chin. "My first priority's to obtain the police report."

"We'll need a lawyer."

"It's cut-and-dried, son," Guthrie said.

Cole rapped his knuckles on the chair arm. He wanted to believe this problem was over. But this all seemed too quick. Too neat. And yet Judge looked so assured and his father so relieved. Hell, maybe he was too close to this situation to see this ending as the blessing it truly was. Still, he'd feel a whole lot better when this would-be killer's motives were revealed. No reason he shouldn't bring in the reserves.

Brandon was contacting him today regarding the Eloise tail, which he wouldn't call off just yet. And no reason Brandon shouldn't help Judge mop up.

"A good friend owns a security firm," Cole told Judge, reaching to find his wallet and a card. "I'll give him a call, you two can team up and - "

Guthrie cut in. "No need. Jeremy has this under control."

Judge's lips peeled back in a got-this-covered smile before he headed for the door. "I'll be in touch, sir. Good meeting you, Cole."

When Judge had left the room, Guthrie exhaled. "I can't describe the weight lifted. When you get to my age, you don't need those kinds of troubles."

Having someone hunting you down would not be pleasant. Thank God, he didn't know about his wife's antics. That'd kill him for sure.

Guthrie dabbed his forehead with a handkerchief. "Now on to more pleasant matters." He slotted the cloth away. "How are you and our new producer getting along? Moving forward?"

Cole hesitated. He wanted to give it to his father straight. He still wasn't good with Guthrie hiring Taryn Quinn without passing it by him first. Investment in any show was a huge commitment. Only surefire hits got the green light to go into production. Given the overseas hiccups - the strain on Hunter's reputation thanks to Dex's escapades and Wynn missing some plum opportunities - big brother had to watch the bottom line more closely than ever before.

But Cole swallowed the words. He imagined Taryn's big hopeful eyes then drank in his father's relaxed face again and his stomach muscles kicked.

"Taryn and I have been...talking," Cole finally said.

Leaning across, Guthrie clasped his son's forearm. "I should have consulted with you first. You know I value your opinion above all others. But I like this lady's style and I wanted to nab her before anyone else could. I have a good feeling about this." Guthrie pushed to his feet, looking taller - and stronger - than he had in weeks. "Keep me in the loop."

Cole left his father's office battling a mix of emotions. He was glad that murderous SOB who'd been trailing Guthrie was out of commission - if, indeed, that was the end of it. As far as Guthrie's opinion of Taryn Quinn and her show were concerned... Cole loved to see his father happy, but could he go against instinct and give Taryn's show a bit more rope? In the long run, cutting her free now would be kinder. He couldn't afford to spend good time and money on a project he didn't believe in, even if the producer herself intrigued him. It simply didn't make good business sense.

Down the corridor those assistant producers were back, clustered at the watercooler. Four others had joined them. They were so deep in conversation, no one saw him coming. Drawing closer, he overheard snippets:

"...haven't bothered to introduce myself."

"Bet she'll cry when he terminates..."

"...heard she's coming on to him now. Sucking up big-time."

There were few secrets in this building. Cole Hunter had his hatchet out. Taryn Quinn's days were numbered. Logic said why waste time getting to

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