Lord of Rain (The Dragon Demigods #5) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,79

I’m getting closure, in a way. We’ve…we’ve become friends,” I lie. Having said that, I do get along well with Miss Shaw. We’ve talked…I enjoy her company, but no, we’re not friends. Let them think that!

“You can’t take it further,” Night says, shaking his head.

“I agree!” Forge says. “You’re playing with fire. Mess with fire, and you’ll get burned every time.”

“I’m being careful. I can feel myself healing, and it’s all because of her.”

“I wouldn’t normally get involved in this kind of a thing, but I agree with them,” Lyre points at Night and Forge and then looks me head-on, “you probably shouldn’t complicate things with sex.”

I feel everything inside me bristle. Who does he think he is? Fucker! Look at him and Morgan. Talk about mixing business with pleasure. Talk about complications. It doesn’t matter that they’re together now. I clench my jaw and bite holes in my tongue to stop myself from saying anything. If I let it rip and say what’s on my mind, everyone will think I’ve gone off the handle. That I’m still harboring anger towards him and Morgan. It isn’t true.

“I think you should just fuck her and get it done with. I know you want to,” Trident says, grinning.

I level him with a stare that I’m hoping shoots daggers. Cocky little shit. “Fuck off, Tri!” He’s right, though. I can’t tell him that, either. Forge, Night, and Lyre will all give birth to cats if I do.

Rage stands. “You’re old enough and ugly enough to make your own decisions. It looks to me like you’re over the worst. The situation is messed up, but that’s life.” Then he saunters out. The door doesn’t make so much as a sound as it closes behind him.

“No…just no!” Forge shakes his head. “Don’t do it, bro! Don’t!”

“You’re one to talk,” I tell Forge, getting pissed off at this point. “You did what you wanted with Ava, when all of us told you not to.”

“That’s different!” Forge yells.

“Quiet,” Night hisses. “Harley is sleeping. Shannon’s having dinner. My wife needs downtime.”

“I think I understand the need for downtime. I’m sorry,” Forge adds, his jaw tightening.

“How is Bruce?” Night asks about Forge’s son.

I roll my eyes. I’m done with this meeting. “I—” I start to say, as Death appears on the far side of the table.

“What did I miss?” He looks at his watch. “Sorry I’m late.”

“Everything,” I say. “You missed all of it.” I stand.

“Damn!” Death shakes his head, looking disappointed, his gaze dropping to his shoes. “Souls,” he half-whispers. “Sorry, but they can’t wait.”

“You didn’t miss much,” I say.

“So, she’s not the harpy,” he says.

“No. She’s my new PA. The harpy-lookalike thing is a coincidence.” It mostly is. I’m not really lying. Then I realize that he said it more as a matter of fact than as a question. I frown. “You knew that, though.”

He half-smiles and does this thing with his eyebrows, which I take as a yes.

“Gabby is in the Underworld?” My voice is animated. “Why didn’t you say something? Did you take her yourself?” I’m sure to tone it down.

He just looks at me.

I wave my hand. “Forget it! Forget her. I don’t care.” I shrug. “I’m heading home. It’s been a long week, and I have work to do.”

“Let us know if you need anything,” Forge says.

“Yeah, call me,” Night says to my retreating back.

I wave. “I’m fine.” Why does no one believe me? Okay, that’s not true. A couple of them believe me. My closest friends think I’m about to have another meltdown. I’m not! I haven’t pushed Miss Shaw again. Things have been strictly professional, and it’s driving me nuts. I’m going to ignore the fuck out of their advice.


Later that night…


We wade through what feels like a thick wall of never-ending people. “You were right!” I shout. “This place is amazing.”

“I told you,” Candice shouts back.

“A little busy, but amazing.” I cup my hand and talk directly into Candice’s ear.

She holds up a drink. “We’re all good now!”

I hold up my drink and nod. We decided to go for ciders, easier to hold onto without spilling, since we’re on our way to the dancefloor. It took us half an hour to get ourselves a drink at the bar. So long that we also had one of those ridiculous sweet shots when we finally managed to get the attention of one of the bartenders.

We started off at a little cocktail bar up the road, so I’m already buzzing. I don’t think

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