Lord of Rain (The Dragon Demigods #5) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,62

I can’t get a read on her.

“I’m taken aback, is all. I never expected… I’m attracted to you, Bolt, but I don’t know about this.” She’s shaking her head. “There’s a good reason why there are rules in organizations. In fact, I met with Mark from HR this morning, and he gave me an induction booklet. There’s a rule that says direct line management cannot fraternize or enter into a relationship with—”

“I’m the CEO, Miss Shaw. I am the only shareholder of the Zeus Group. Mark Humphry answers to me. I understand that it’s unorthodox, but…we can make it work, I assure you.”

“I don’t know…” She shrugs. “If we were to date—”

“I’m going to cut you off right there, Miss Shaw. I like you. You’re an amazing person. Genuine, sweet—” I stop myself from saying any more about her personality traits. “I don’t want a relationship. I want sex. There’s no reason why we can’t have a business and a sexual relationship for the coming period.”

Her eyes widen, and her mouth drops open as I talk. It takes her a few seconds to pull herself together. “I’ve never had that kind of…I can’t call it a relationship because sex isn’t really anything.”

“It would be a physical relationship,” I fill in.

“We still wouldn’t be friends.” She frowns like she doesn’t like the idea.

“No!” I shake my head. “We could have fun together, but without all the baggage. If we crossed the line into friendship, one of us might want more. Or think that there’s more to us than there actually is. I don’t want either of us to get hurt.” Namely her…she would get hurt.

She looks unsure for a few long moments, and then she breathes out. “I’m not sure whether to be flattered or angry. I’m tempted by your offer because…sure…there is something there…a spark. But,” she shakes her head, “it feels… I don’t know. I’m not into ‘casual’.” I knew that. It’s been a stumbling block for me.

“You might enjoy it. Especially if everything is laid out. We can be exclusive. I’m okay with that. We can discuss and approve all aspects of our agreement.”

“Agreement…” She makes this strangled noise. “I just… It feels weird.”

“It won’t be, I assure you, Miss Shaw. We’ll both enjoy it and get a lot out of it. We can stay open and honest and very professional at the same time.”

She nervous-laughs. “Professional? I’m not sure how that would be possible.”

“Communication would be key. Also, we can take it slow. I’m okay with that. You can tell me what you like. What you want. How you want it.”

“What I like?” Her voice has gone all breathless. I can scent her arousal. Fuck!

“Yes, Miss Shaw.” I nod. “I would feel most comfortable if our agreement was in writing, but the document can be fluid.”

Oh, my gosh!

I can’t believe this is happening. I want to pinch myself, but that would be stupid because I know I’m very much awake. I must say, I’m not sure if this is a nightmare or a fantasy come true. There’s a small part of me that wants to scream ‘yes’. That wants to go with it. I want this man to touch me. To… I want to say make love to me, but that would be incorrect. Casual sex with someone who doesn’t consider himself to be my friend? With my boss? Madness! A one-way road that would lead to my unemployment. It’s a guarantee. Bolt doesn’t have to worry. He can do whatever he wants and still land on his feet. Not me! I have a lot to lose.

Bolt leans back in his seat. He’s sporting a five o’clock shadow. He fills that button-down shirt just so. Makes my mouth water. For once, he’s not wearing a tie. The top two buttons of his shirt are open. My face feels hot. My whole body is buzzing. This man wants me. Little old me. I know I should have more confidence in myself. Sean told me that countless times. Funny enough, him saying it only made me feel worse.

He runs a hand through his hair. There’s not a strand out of place, even after a whole day at work. I look a mess. Then he sucks in a breath. “Communication would be key. Also, we can take it slow. I’m okay with that.” His eyes stay on mine. “You can tell me what you like. What you want. How you want it.” His voice is a deep caress.

“What I like?”

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