Lord of Rain (The Dragon Demigods #5) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,58


“This is different. It works for me right now. I can’t be seen fucking around…dating…doing anything. I need to sit tight for a while, until the media attention dies down. In the meanwhile—”

“You get to do your PA behind closed doors. If you’re seen together…” He shrugs. “It will be common knowledge that she’s a staff member. You do have a reputation for staying away from staff.” He narrows his eyes, and his mouth drops open. “You’re a fucking genius.”

I nod. “I am.” I feel like a grade-A prick, but I’ll take genius.

“I take it she’s a bit of a…hussy?”

Everything in me bristles. “Not at all,” I growl the words, taking a step towards him. My jaw goes tight. I don’t like how he is talking about Miss Shaw. It just feels…wrong. “She’s actually quite sweet.” Very fucking sweet.

He frowns. “But she’ll agree to the whole thing, though? Won’t she?”

“I doubt it.” I smile when I say it.

“What? And that makes you smile…why?”

I shrug. “She’s definitely not the kind of person who would sign something like that.” She’s relationship material. It’s a fuck-up.

“Why are you even going there?”

“She’s the first woman I’ve felt attracted to since…since…”


I nod. “Yes, since the harpy. My PA is the kind of woman who will want a relationship. I don’t! I’m fucked up. I was before, and I’m even more so now. There need to be rules. There need to be…barriers, and an understanding from the start. It’s just going to be sex, and she can’t disclose our non-relationship to anyone. Not even to her closest friend. I can’t have this getting out. By the time it’s over, the whole ‘most eligible bachelor’ debacle will have blown over…and I can continue like before.”

“You’ll be ready to get back in the saddle for real,” Tri smirks.

“Something like that, except we aren’t all sluts like you.” I ‘date’ women from time to time. Usually, only one at a time. It’s not unusual for me to take breaks.

Tri snorts. “You’re the one who’s about to bang his PA. You’re the one putting sex toy clauses into NDA contracts.” He laughs. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Not really.” It’s true. I don’t have a clue. This is uncharted territory. These feelings of anxiety are new to me, as well. The whole fucking thing is new to me. I’m scared but exhilarated.

“I hope you convince her then.”

“Me too.”

“Now, let’s eat. All this talk of sex is making me hungry.” He grins and picks up his pizza box.

I suddenly don’t feel like eating, but I pick my plate up anyway.


Monday mid-morning…


I sigh, closing the tab on my computer. I’m trying to concentrate on my work, but I can’t. Not even a little bit. A beautiful woman is in Bolt’s office. She arrived about twenty minutes ago, demanding to see him. Then she bulldozed her way into his office while I was calling him to check if he wanted to meet with her. He told me it was fine and shut the door.

All I can say is that I’m glad I went and trawled all the second-hand stores in Newfolk on Saturday afternoon. I was depressed after visiting Sweet Things. Even more so after tasting the food, which was really fantastic. I wouldn’t say as good as Buns, but right up there. Anyway, I was depressed, and shopping helps me get over my funk. Besides, I was in desperate need of corporate workwear. After that feisty bombshell just walked into Bolt’s office, I’m glad I found the suit I have on right now. It’s white with black trim. Yes, not much of a power color but who cares. It’s slightly outdated but fits me like a glove. My waist looks narrower. My boobs look bigger – which isn’t necessarily a good thing since I have pretty big boobs as it is. Back to the part about my waist being smaller. I’ll leave it at that.

I also found these heels. ‘Gently used’, my butt-cheeks…they look brand spanking new. They’re black with bright red soles and are higher than I would typically wear. They are great. Paired with this suit, they are dynamite. I just need to stay right here for the day. In short, I need to try not to move much on account that I might just fall on my face. I’ve been watching my liquid intake. I don’t need a bathroom break after going earlier. I can make it through the day without doing something clumsy.

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