Lord of Rain (The Dragon Demigods #5) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,51

big deal. I kissed you back, Miss Shaw. It takes two.”

She opens her eyes. “I mauled you, and you reacted.”

“Stop saying ‘mauled’. You did not maul me.” I remember kissing her first. “Let’s please forget it ever happened. Look at you right now…” I try to give her a sympathetic look. I’ve never given anyone a sympathetic look before. “Based on your reaction, I can safely say that it’s definitely not going to happen again.” It so is, and more than once! “It’s a good thing it’s behind us.” So not! It’s only just beginning. “It was an innocent kiss. We both kissed each other. No one mauled anyone.” I can’t wait to maul her good and proper. “Don’t resign. I think it’s sweet that you felt you needed to, but it’s unnecessary. You need this job, Miss Shaw. I urge you to reconsider.” I hand her the letter, and she takes it.

“Are you sure?” She looks shocked.

“I’m very sure.” I push out a breath.

She widens her eyes. “You’re not sure at all, I can see it. You’re just trying to be nice.”

“I’m not trying to be anything. I’m not nice! I’m very sure I still want you on board, it’s just that you can’t mention this to anyone. Not your friends or your family. No one can know what happened.”

Her cheeks redden. My eyes narrow, and my muscles tighten. “You haven’t told anyone yet, have you?”

Miss Shaw shakes her head. She was planning to, I can see it written all over her face.

“You can’t tell anyone any of my personal information. Who I kiss falls under that bracket, even if that person happens to be you. You signed a legal document.” That NDA is broad. Fact of the matter is, I kissed her. That’s a fuck up! There are more than likely several loopholes a good lawyer could use if I tried to sue her, which I won’t do, but she can’t know that.

“Okay. I understand. I won’t say a thing to anyone.”

“Good. I’m glad that’s behind us.” I pick up the stack of papers. “I can handle this meeting, Miss Shaw. Why don’t you go to the hotel spa for the morning? You—”

Her eyes widen. “I couldn’t possibly—”

“You can. Sign it to your room. It’ll be on the company. Be ready for the meeting with the recruitment agent this afternoon at two. I need you there for that.”

“This isn’t right. I can’t just skip out for the day.”

“For the morning. You can, if I say you can. Now go. I’ll see you later.”

“You’re too nice.” Her eyes well with tears again. “I cannot believe how I lucked out with a boss like you. Thank you.”


Saying the word makes her smile wider. I’m not sure why. I watch her leave.

Me…nice? Not fucking hardly.

Lucked out? Huh!

I’m the opposite of nice. I’m the biggest jerk alive. Miss Shaw has no idea yet. There is a part of me that wants to stop this, but I can’t. It’s like a boulder has started to roll down a steep hill. It doesn’t have much momentum yet, but there is also no stopping it anymore. I must have her.

She’s mine!

Then I have to leave her. It is how it is! She’s going to hate me when I present her with that contract. It’s probably for the best that she does. Just as long as she accepts. Hate fucks are the best kind of fucks there are, and it’ll make the walking away part easier.


Two days later…


I walk inside, swallowing thickly. Guilt causes my stomach to ball up. I shouldn’t be here. It’s wrong.

Know your competition intimately.

Bolt is right. I need to do this. There are big windows at the front of the store, which is light and airy. The decor is modern and welcoming. Green plants line the whole far wall. It’s a very fresh approach to art…using plants instead of pictures. I hate that I love it as much as I do. It’s cozy and inviting and happy, all at once.

I smell coffee and the sweet scent of baked goods. There are twelve tables inside and three more on the pavement outside. Holy moly, but it has a big front-of-house section. At least triple the size of ours.

There is a small plant on each of the tables. I notice that there are no tables available, either inside or out. I recognize a couple of the patrons. What? Is that Mrs. Thomas? Come to think of it, she never did arrive for her eclair

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