Lord of Rain (The Dragon Demigods #5) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,45

Maybe the wine has loosened my tongue. Maybe it’s his beautiful gray eyes that are so intently focused on me. I can’t say exactly, but it all comes out. “It falls on me to make sure my parents are okay. Right now, that isn’t the case. They’re going to lose everything they’ve worked so hard for, and at a time when they should be winding down, thinking about retirement.” I pull in a deep breath, feeling my eyes well with tears. “I have to try to help them. Try to figure out a way…” I lick my lips, taking another sip of that blasted wine. I should have asked for water. I blink back the waterworks. I can’t cry. Not happening! Not in front of my new boss on my first day of work.

“I understand, Miss Shaw. I’m also an only child.” He puts his hands on his thighs. “My dad left before I was even born.” His eyes flare in shock. I don’t think he meant to tell me that. He quickly schools his emotions, putting on a poker face of note.



“That sucks!” Stupid thing to say. Really deep and meaningful. I have such a way with words.

Bolt nods once. “It does suck. Big fucking time. My mom dated someone for a while when I was a boy, but it never worked out. She’s alone. I worry about her all the time. I get what you’re trying to say.”

“At least you don’t have to worry about her from a financial standpoint. No offense, but you’re a billionaire. I’m sure your mom doesn’t need for anything.”

“I’m not a billionaire. Not technically. I don’t have a billion dollars in the bank. Maybe if I sold off all my assets…maybe then…”

I roll my eyes and choke out a laugh. “Semantics. You could probably build your mother a house out of actual money. Stack up those bricks of cash and build a house.”

He looks sheepish for a moment, and I realize it’s true. He could do it. “You would think, but she wouldn’t let me. My mom has a leak in her roof right now that she won’t let me fix. She sent the contractors away. Her furniture is so outdated. I’m talking country chic but with none of the modern style. I sent her a new living room suite a couple of months ago, but she sent the guys packing. Wouldn’t even let them into the house. My money means nothing. I don’t get it.”

“You should ask her.”

“I’ve tried. I really have, but you don’t know my mom. I think I know where I got my stubborn streak from. She’s told me she doesn’t want strangers in her house.”

“Maybe she wants you to do it.”

His eyes crinkle at the edges. “I might be able to do something about the leak, but I’m no contractor. I just wish she’d let the professionals have at it.”

I think about what he said earlier about his mom not wanting strangers in the house. “Maybe she wants you there when they do the job. Sounds like she could be afraid.”

He shakes head. “I doubt it very much. They would be a little afraid of her.”

“Based on what you’ve told me, I think she wants you there. I’m not sure of her reasoning. Throwing money at something doesn’t always solve a problem.”

“Funny, that’s what she would—” he starts to say but Giovanni arrives with a large brown paper bag. “I included a small portion of tiramisu. The two of you must enjoy.” He looks at Bolt. “You are one lucky man.”

I’m waiting for him to set the record straight, but he doesn’t. Bolt doesn’t say anything.

“Thanks so much,” I push out. “Please give my thanks to your aunt and uncle. Tell them I love the name of this restaurant…I’anatra Grassa.” I stutter over the pronunciation.

Giovanni laughs. “I’anatra Grassa,” he says in flawless Italian.

“I’anatra Grassa,” I repeat. It’s better but still not great. “The Fat Duck. What made them come up with that name? There has to be a story behind it.”

“There definitely is. My aunt went for a walk on one fine summer’s day. She was only nineteen. Young and beautiful.” He winks at me. “She was enjoying the sunshine. Enjoying the day and her walk, when, out of nowhere, a duck attacked her.”

“A duck?” I laugh. “How bizarre.”

“It was bizarre…and for no apparent reason. It just went at her. My uncle was working in a field nearby. Back then, he was an olive picker. He saw her

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