Lord of Rain (The Dragon Demigods #5) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,23

I would love to take it…” she winces, “I can’t!”

“Have you accepted another job offer then?” I know she hasn’t. I can tell. I think she’s afraid of failing. Of disappointing me. Little does she know, but Ashley Shaw could not possibly disappoint me.

She shakes her head. “No…it’s just that…I…um…” she stumbles over her words, finally biting down on her bottom lip.

I would normally find all clumsy behavior annoying, but of course, when it comes to her, I don’t. On her, it’s even endearing. I’ve never found anything endearing before in my life. That annoys me. It fucking infuriates me. I’m a complete mess. That’s why I need this. “You’re not personal assistant material…is that what you’re trying to say?”

She nods, her cheeks turning pink. She hugs herself; gooseflesh has broken out on her arms. “I’m not. I’m so sorry I wasted your time. I should never have applied for the position in the first place.”

“Can you answer a phone?” I unbutton and slide out of my suit-jacket.

She nods.

“Make coffee?” I hand it to her. “You’re cold,” I add when she hesitates, her eyes on the garment.

“Thank you, and…yes, I can make coffee, even though I prefer tea.” She pulls my jacket on and drowns in it, looking vulnerable. Looking adorable. Another word that I never use. I need to get back to normal. My normal. I need to put this whole harpy incident behind me. Ashley Shaw is going to help me do that. I’ll find a way to make it worth her while. This can be a win-win situation for both of us.

“I know you can email since we have been emailing back and forth. Can you drive a car? Make dinner reservations? Pick up my laundry?” I watch as she nods for each of my questions.

She frowns. “You’re going to pay me that much money to…” She shrugs.

“Wipe my ass,” I use Night’s words. “I need someone willing to wipe my ass, Miss Shaw. Typing isn’t on top of the list, not for me.”

Her eyes widen. Her skin pales.

“Wiping my ass would not be literal, Miss Shaw.”

She pushes out a sigh of relief, and I feel my mouth twitch for the second time since seeing her this morning. This woman makes me want to smile. Go fucking figure. “I travel frequently, I would require my assistant to travel with me. Would that be a problem?”

She just looks up at me. Her big blue eyes are wide…so fucking innocent. For just a moment, I’m tempted to let her walk away, but that would be the nice thing to do, and I’m not nice. Not even close.

Then I have a thought that turns my blood cold. My whole body tightens. “Would that be a problem, Miss Shaw?” My voice has turned gruff. “Are you single? Do you have kids? Is there any reason why you wouldn’t be able to drop everything for work?” For me! I want her to drop everything for me.

“Um…I…I guess not, and…um…I’m single. I don’t have kids.”

Good! I feel the tension drain from me. It wasn’t something I’d considered. I couldn’t scent a man on her, but I suddenly wasn’t sure. “Bottom line, I’m difficult to work for. I can be an asshole. I have a short temper. I’m impatient. I’m demanding. You would need to be able to travel. To possibly attend events…dinners. You would often need to organize those events and dinners. Make travel arrangements. Are you up for it? I’ll challenge you in ways you never thought possible. You’ll have days where you wished you hadn’t accepted this role, but you’ll also learn and grow. You said you wanted to try something new, well here’s your chance.”

“Why me?”

I like her. This is one hell of a good question. One I’m not sure I can answer without lying. I’ll do my best. “You’re nice…you have a big heart, Miss Shaw, and yet you also have steel in you. I suspect you wouldn’t put up with my crap. It’ll be a fine line between keeping me in line and keeping your job. One you’ll have to navigate every day.”

I watch her delicate throat work. “I’m not that person. I don’t navigate…I blunder and stumble. I have a feeling you’d walk all over me, and that I’d let you.”

“Really?” I lift my brows. “That’s why you accepted my first offer as soon as it hit your inbox?”

She frowns.

“Exactly. You’re making me work harder than I care to.” I look at my watch. “You’re making me

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