Lord of Rain (The Dragon Demigods #5) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,18

lack confidence and belief in yourself. Otherwise, you’re perfect in every way. Mr. Bolt sure thinks so. I’m not only talking about looks. I was only joking about that, even though I think you’re hot. If I was a guy…or into girls, I’d be all over you.”

I nod and laugh. She’s right. Not the part about being perfect but the part about lacking confidence. My phone beeps. We lock eyes. A smile breaks out on Candice’s face while my heart beats a whole lot faster.

“Is it him?” she asks.

I pick up my phone, swallow thickly and nod. “Yes. He sent a reply.”



“Can I get you a beer?” Night asks.

I move the little girl into the crook of my other arm and smile down at her cherub face. “I can’t believe how big she’s getting.” The muscles on my face pull. Smiling is uncomfortable, so I stop. “Yeah,” I look up at Night, “I would love a beer.”

“Let me take her,” Shannon says, her eyes on her daughter.

“I’m good,” I say, trying not to turn away. “I love cuddle time with my goddaughter. Hey, Harley,” I coo at the beautiful baby in my arms. “I still can’t believe how such an ugly fuck like you produced this little angel,” I throw at Night.

“Language.” Shannon wags a finger. She’s smiling, so she can’t be too upset.

“Sorry,” I mutter. “I sometimes forget. It’s not like she understands.”

“She’ll understand quicker than you think,” Night says, grabbing a couple of beers from the fridge.

“You’re right.” I wince. “I’ll have to try harder,” I say to Shannon.

“It’s her bedtime,” she says, holding out her hands. “You should visit earlier. That way you’d get to spend more time with her.”

“I’m swamped at work,” I moan. “I’ll drop by on the weekend,” I say, more to Harley than Shannon as I hand the baby to her mother.

“Will I see you in a bit…after I put this one to bed?” She looks down at Harley and then lifts her brows at me. “You should stay for dinner. There’s plenty.”

“Sounds good.” I nod. A crack of lightning sounds, and spatters of rain hit the roof and the windows.

Shannon looks up. “Looks like another storm.”

“Looks like it,” Night says.

“Check on the chicken,” Shannon says to Night. “It will need to come out in ten.”

“I will.” Night smiles at his wife. He kisses his daughter on the forehead and then brushes his lips over Shannon’s mouth. I feel this pang, and another bolt of thunder crashes above us.

I watch as she disappears down the hallway, the baby safely in her arms.

“Let’s go sit in the living room,” Night says.

I turn, and he hands me a beer. I follow Night and take a seat.

“Thanks for the donation,” he says as he sits as well.

“What donation?”

He narrows his eyes. “Only one person I know who would make a donation that big without giving their contact information. Don’t even try to deny it. I will be able to help ten more kids pay for their college tuition this year. Manny is going to upgrade some of the gym equipment as well.” He looks me in the eyes for a few seconds. “Thank you.”

“Sure.” I take a big swig of my beer.

“I knew it was you!” He grins.

“Don’t make a big deal out of it.”

Night nods. “How are you doing?”

“Fine,” I answer too quickly. “Busy…which is good.”

“How’s your latest project going?”

“Which one?”

“There’s more than one?”

I nod. “I get bored otherwise. Everything is fully under control.” Everything except my personal life, which is a mess. I don’t want to talk about work. Problem is, I don’t have anything else to talk about. I’ve turned into a fucking loser. “I’m tired of work.” I rub a hand over my face.

“I’m sure, since it’s all you do. Dating anyone?” he asks, brows raised.

I shake my head. “I’m doing better,” I lie, taking another sip of my beer. I’m telling him what he wants to hear. It’s easier than the truth. It’s another thing I don’t feel like talking about.

Night’s eyes brighten. “That’s good.” He leans forward. “I’m glad to hear it.”

My mind goes back to her. Not the harpy. For once, it’s not Gabby I’m thinking about, but her…the woman from today. The one I’ve just employed. My new personal assistant. The woman who looks just like Gabby. From her eyes…so fucking blue it’s scary, to her hair and features. So alike, I almost thought it was her walking into my office today.

Only, I could see it wasn’t Gabby…wasn’t

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