Lord Edgware Dies Page 0,6

who was Carlotta Adams' escort. I had had my suspicions from the first that the young man was not quite so sober as he might have been. As he drank more champagne this became even more clearly apparent.

He appeared to be suffering from a profound sense of injury. For the first half of the meal he sat in gloomy silence. Towards the latter half he unbosomed himself to me apparently under the impression that I was one of his oldest friends.

'What I mean to say,' he said. 'It isn't. No, dear old chap, it isn't - '

I omit the slight slurring together of the words.

'I mean to say,' he went on, 'I ask you? I mean if you take a girl - well, I mean - butting in. Going round upsetting things. Not as though I'd ever said a word to her I shouldn't have done. She's not the sort. You know - Puritan fathers - the Mayflower - all that. Dash it - the girl's straight. What I mean is - what was I saying?'

'That it was hard lines,' I said soothingly.

'Well, dash it all, it is. Dash it, I had to borrow the money for this beano from my tailor. Very obliging chap, my tailor. I've owed him money for years. Makes a sort of bond between us. Nothing like a bond, is there, dear old fellow. You and I. You and I. Who the devil are you, by the way?'

'My name is Hastings.'

'You don't say so. Now I could have sworn you were a chap called Spencer Jones. Dear old Spencer Jones. Met him at the Eton and Harrow and borrowed a fiver from him. What I say is one face is very like another face - that's what I say. If we were a lot of Chinks we wouldn't know each other apart.'

He shook his head sadly, then cheered up suddenly and drank off some more champagne.

'Anyway,' he said. 'I'm not a damned nigger.'

This reflection seemed to cause him such elation that he presently made several remarks of a hopeful character.

'Look on the bright side, my boy,' he adjured me. 'What I say is, look on the bright side. One of these days - when I'm seventy-five or so, I'm going to be a rich man. When my uncle dies. Then I can pay my tailor.'

He sat smiling happily at the thought.

There was something strangely likeable about the young man. He had a round face and an absurdly small black moustache that gave one the impression of being marooned in the middle of a desert.

Carlotta Adams, I noticed, had an eye on him, and it was after a glance in his direction that she rose and broke up the party.

'It was just sweet of you to come up here,' said Jane. 'I do so love doing things on the spur of the moment, don't you?'

'No,' said Miss Adams. 'I'm afraid I always plan a thing out very carefully before I do it. It saves - worry.'

There was something faintly disagreeable in her manner.

'Well, at any rate the results justify you,' laughed Jane. 'I don't know when I enjoyed anything so much as I did your show tonight.'

The American girl's face relaxed.

'Well, that's very sweet of you,' she said warmly. 'And I guess I appreciate your telling me so. I need encouragement. We all do.'

'Carlotta,' said the young man with the black moustache. 'Shake hands and say thank you for the party to Aunt Jane and come along.'

The way he walked straight through the door was a miracle of concentration. Carlotta followed him quickly.

'Well,' said Jane, 'what was that that blew in and called me Aunt Jane? I hadn't noticed him before.'

'My dear,' said Mrs Widburn. 'You mustn't take any notice of him. Most brilliant as a boy in the O.U.D.S. You'd hardly think so now, would you? I hate to see early promise come to nothing. But Charles and I positively must toddle.'

The Widburns duly toddled and Bryan Martin went with them.

'Well, M. Poirot?'

He smiled at her.

'Eh bien, Lady Edgware?'

'For goodness' sake, don't call me that. Let me forget it! If you aren't the hardest-hearted little man in Europe!'

'But no, but no, I am not hard-hearted.'

Poirot, I thought, had had quite enough champagne, possibly a glass too much.

'Then you'll go and see my husband? And make him do what I want?'

'I will go and see him,' Poirot promised cautiously.

'And if he turns you down - as he will - you'll think of a clever plan. They

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