Lord Edgware Dies Page 0,59

direct your attention to Carlotta Adams, I mention to you the matter of the letter to America. Every step of the way it is I who point it!'

'I was bound to get there anyway,' said Japp coldly. 'You got a bit ahead of me, that's all.'

'Cela ce peut. But it does not console me. If harm - if loss of prestige comes to you through listening to my little ideas - I shall blame myself bitterly.'

Japp merely looked amused. I think he credited Poirot with motives that were none too pure. He fancied that Poirot grudged him the credit resulting from the successful elucidation of the affair.

'That's all right,' he said. 'I shan't forget to let it be known that I owe something to you over this business.'

He winked at me.

'Oh! it is not that at all.' Poirot clicked his tongue with impatience. 'I want no credit. And what is more, I tell you there will be no credit. It is a fiasco that you prepare for yourself, and I, Hercule Poirot, am the cause.'

Suddenly, at Poirot's expression of extreme melancholy, Japp shouted with laughter. Poirot looked affronted.

'Sorry, M. Poirot.' He wiped his eyes. 'But you did look for all the world like a dying duck in a thunder storm. Now look here, let's forget all this. I'm willing to shoulder the credit or the blame of this affair. It will make a big noise - you're right there. Well, I'm going all out to get a conviction. It may be that a clever Counsel will get his lordship off - you never know with a jury. But even so, it won't do me any harm. It will be known that we caught the right man even if we couldn't get a conviction. And if, by any chance, the third housemaid has hysterics and owns up she did it - well, I'll take my medicine and I won't complain you led me up the garden. That's fair enough.'

Poirot gazed at him mildly and sadly.

'You have the confidence - always the confidence! You never stop and say to yourself - can it be so? You never doubt - or wonder. You never think: This is too easy!'

'You bet your life I don't. And that's just where, if you'll excuse me saying so, you go off the rails every time. Why shouldn't a thing be easy? What's the harm in a thing being easy?'

Poirot looked at him, sighed, half threw up his arms, then shook his head.

'C'est fini! I will say no more.'

'Splendid,' said Japp heartily. 'Now let's get down to brass tacks. You'd like to hear what I've been doing?'


'Well, I saw the Honourable Geraldine, and her story tallied exactly with his lordship's. They may both be in it together, but I think not. It's my opinion he bluffed her - she's three parts sweet on him anyway. Took on terribly when she found he was arrested.'

'Did she now? And the secretary - Miss Carroll?'

'Wasn't too surprised, I fancy. However, that's only my idea.'

'What about the pearls?' I asked. 'Was that part of the story true?'

'Absolutely. He raised the money on them early the following morning. But I don't think that touches the main argument. As I see it, the plan came into his head when he came across his cousin at the opera. It came to him in a flash. He was desperate - here was a way out. I fancy he'd been meditating something of the kind - that's why he had the key with him. I don't believe that story of suddenly coming across it. Well, as he talks to his cousin, he sees that by involving her he gains additional security for himself. He plays on her feelings, hints at the pearls, she plays up, and off they go. As soon as she's in the house he follows her in and goes along to the library. Maybe his lordship has dozed off in his chair. Anyway, in two seconds he's done the trick and he's out again. I don't fancy he meant the girl to catch him in the house. He counted on being found pacing up and down near the taxi. And I don't think the taxi-man was meant to see him go in. The impression was to be that he was walking up and down smoking whilst he waited for the girl. The taxi was facing the opposite direction, remember.

'Of course, the next morning, he has to pledge the pearls. He must still seem to

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