Long Time Running - By Hannah Foster Page 0,85

but for Nathalie it was the only way to close that chapter of her life and Sarah finally understood.

"Yes. Of course I think he's more excited about the plane than going to Mbamba but he's eight and a boy." Taking a sip of her coffee, she eyed her sister carefully. "So we'll be gone for about 5 weeks and I just wondering if you...will you be keeping Drew company? I'd hate to think of him being lonely."

Choking on her toast, Sarah's cheeks burned brightly. Andrew had taken amazing care of her the night she showed up at his apartment. He had been tender and reassuring, loving even. They had seen each other several times since but despite him wanting more she still kept him at arm's length.

"I am sure Andrew won't lack for company."

Arching an eyebrow at her sister's response, Nathalie shrugged. "He seems to have reformed his ways. He spends so much time at our place I don't know when he would have the time to see other women."

Their eyes met and as Nathalie silently challenged her, Sarah gave a small shake of her head, letting her know the subject was off limits.

Exhaling slowly, Nathalie reached under the table and pulled out a small box wrapped in gold paper with a bright red ribbon adorning it. Getting up from her chair she moved beside Sarah and pushed the box towards her.

"What's this?" she asked, fingering the ribbon.

"Well unless you have x-ray vision you're going to have to open it and see."

Rolling her eyes at her sister's remark, Sarah carefully unfurled the bow and pried the lid off the box. She let out a small gasp at the first glint of the gold locket.

"Open the locket," Nathalie encouraged.

With a slightly shaky hand, Sarah popped open the locket and felt her eyes well with tears as she was greeted by two pictures - one of Nathalie and one of Jack.

"Natty," she whispered in wonder.

"You saved us," Nathalie told her emphatically. "You saved us both. By loving us and caring for us and doing whatever it took you made sure that we were both okay. Sarah, you are the most amazing person I know and I will spend the rest of my life showing you how much you mean to me."

Swiping at a tear, she smiled. "This is the most beautiful gift ever."

Throwing her arms around her sister, she hugged her. "I love you Sarah."


"How was breakfast?" Eric asked as they strolled along hand in hand through the park; Jack ran ahead of them bouncing his basketball.

"Well I didn't poison her so I consider it a success!" she laughed.

Chuckling, her brought her hand to his lips and kissed it softly. They walked along the pathway looking for the perfect picnic spot. It had been Jack's suggestion to have dinner outside and Eric had arranged for a picnic basket, picking it up on his way from work.

"Jack asked me if he was going to see an elephant when we go to Tanzania."

"Well we didn't have any wandering around the village but we should be able to arrange for a Safari of some kind. How about you?" she asked. "Any sights you want to see while we're there?"

Leaning in, he nuzzled her cheek. "You, naked, in the moonlight." He laughed as he watched her cheeks burn brightly. "My, my Doctor Grant, you have become quite the shy girl."

"Not shy," she protested jokingly. "Just intrigued."

"Over here!" Jack yelled, having spotted a big tree. "We can have our picnic here!"

"Okay buddy" Eric called back. "We'll be right there."

Nathalie shook her head. It never ceased to amaze her how her heart would beat a little faster, her skin would be warmer every single time she watched Eric and Jack together. Eric was a great father. For someone who had worried about his ability to love a child or to be the support they needed, he excelled at it. It had never been easy for him to tell people he loved them, she knew the words often lay unspoken on his tongue but since their reunion he had been so free with the words both to her and their son and it had moved her in unexpected ways.

As they joined Jack, Eric set the basket down and while Nathalie retrieved the blanket from her knapsack. She spread it out along the ground before sitting down, leaning against the tree. Eric unpacked the basket and poured them each a glass of wine and a glass of grape juice for

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