Long Time Running - By Hannah Foster Page 0,75

never, ever undermine their relationship. God Eric, she has been so good with him for so long. But we can't live here forever and I want her to start doing some things for herself. And I know it's selfish but I also want Jack and I to start really being mother and son."

"So you're really staying?"

It wasn't the first time he asked and though she had answered him every time, she could see there was still a need for a more reassurance.

"I am," she smiled. "I even got letters of interest from two hospitals."

"Really?" he asked excitedly, his mind wandering to visions of them working side by side just as they used to.

"Yes but I don't think I want to work in a hospital."


She shook her head. "I want...I need to be around for Jack and so that means more stable hours. And I think I would like to take what I know about Africa and the needs there and apply it in a meaningful way, either with an NGO or some kind of interest group."

Gathering her in his arms, he kissed her softly, his tongue delving inside her warm mouth and tangling around hers. "I love the way your mind works," he whispered.

They remained tangled together for several silent minutes both reveling in the opportunity to just be.

"So it's your turn to plan our date tomorrow," Eric said, breaking the quiet. "What are we doing?"

"I thought I would cook dinner for you."

Sitting up straight, he let go of her. "Um, Nat. The last time you cooked for me I got food poisoning. Are you trying to kill me?"

Rolling her eyes, she chucked a throw pillow at his head. "I'll have you know I've come a long way from not knowing a chicken had to defrost before you cooked it. I'm actually pretty good in the kitchen. So, what do you say? Feeling brave?"

Leaning forward he stole a quick kiss. "I would say my life is in your hands."

Chapter 27

Coming through the door to his apartment Eric paused and smiled as he saw Nathalie curled up on his sofa asleep. She had asked for a key to his apartment to prepare for their date, telling him it would be better for all concerned if their date was at his place rather than hers. He had happily handed one over.

Quietly placing his bag on the floor he walked over to the couch and stared lovingly at her. He admired the sweep of long, dark lashes against her cheek and the way her rosebud mouth was parted just slightly as she slept. The red jersey-knit dress she wore clung to her in all the right places and he felt both his body and his heart stirring. Still dressed in his scrubs he knew he should change and then wake her but the sight of her before him was too inviting to pass up.

Toeing off his shoes he carefully lay down beside her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He nuzzled her neck, breathing in her heady scent. He loved the way she felt in his arms, the way her body curved against his, he loved the way she smelled and how it could send his senses reeling. He loved her - her strengths, her weakness and everything in between.

Feeling her shift against him he pressed a lingering kiss to the soft place where her neck met her shoulder. "Hi," he murmured.

Turning to face him she gave a small groan. "I fell asleep, didn't I?"

He nodded, smiling. "You must have exhausted yourself cooking my feast."

Snuggling in against him she slipped her arms around his waist and brushed her lips over his. "It is a culinary masterpiece if I do say so myself."

"Want to work up an appetite with me?" he asked with a waggle of his eyebrows.

Playfully slapping his chest she shook her head. "You are incorrigible."

"Yes in fact I am."

"Go get changed," she ordered teasingly, wriggling out of his embrace, "and prepared to be dazzled when you get back out here."

"I'm already dazzled," he quipped, getting to his feet.


Having stripped off his scrubs, he padded back down the hall rolling up the sleeves of his white shirt and doing up the belt on his jeans. When he walked into the kitchen he found Nathalie staring at a rather burnt roasted chicken.

"It's....it's ruined" she stated plaintively. "My big culinary masterpiece is a dud."

Feeling badly that her effort seemed to be all for naught, he tilted his head to the side and said, "It

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