Lone Wolf - Robert Muchamore Page 0,58

a Range Rover in the row behind by centimetres.

Clark spun the wheel with the palm of his hand and triggered the anti-lock brakes as he accelerated hard. A sharp left took him out of the golf club, and Ryan saw the Prius minicab tailing in the rear-view mirror. Ryan considered the possibility that Clark was going to kill Lladro. If it came to that he’d have to try and save the dentist, but that would completely blow his role in the mission.

‘You look like you’ve seen a ghost,’ Clark told Ryan, golf clubs clattering across the rear seat as he took a corner too fast.

‘It just happened really fast,’ Ryan explained. ‘And I’m wringing wet under this stab vest.’

Clark took a hand off the steering wheel and gave Ryan a friendly jab on the upper arm. ‘Don’t worry,’ he said warmly. ‘We just nailed the tricky part. Now we get to have some fun.’


The Jag had baked in the afternoon sun and Lladro fought for air as Clark popped the boot open.

‘Hey, slaphead, how’s it going?’

‘Let me talk with your superiors,’ Lladro said, trying to hide fear.

‘They don’t wanna talk to you,’ Clark said, smiling as he grabbed Lladro’s belt.

‘I demand—’

Lladro’s sentence ended abruptly, with Clark’s fist smashing into his mouth.

‘You don’t demand,’ Clark shouted. ‘You listen.’

Lladro found himself being yanked out of the boot, by shirt collar and belt. He hit the ground hard. He was dizzy from the heat in the trunk and his vision blurred from the punch, but he could see enough to work out that he was in an underground parking lot, with the headlamps of the Prius aimed in his eyes.

‘Here’s what my superiors have to say,’ Clark said, before booting Lladro in the stomach. After a couple more brutal kicks, he set his heel on Lladro’s belly and turned back to Ryan. ‘You gonna take a couple of shots at our tubby little butterball?’

Ryan felt bad, but figured Clark was going to do whatever he was going to do. He didn’t want Clark to see his reticence, but Ryan’s timid steps gave him away.

‘What are you scared of?’ Clark demanded.

Ryan swung his trainer. Lladro had balled up, so he kicked him in the back, but not massively hard. Clark didn’t look satisfied, so Ryan reluctantly launched a second, harder kick.

‘That’s more like it!’ Clark said approvingly, as Lladro groaned. ‘Here’s another few for you, doc.’

Clark launched more kicks, by the end of which Lladro was slumped on his back, dribbling blood and close to unconscious.

‘Get the petrol can,’ Clark shouted.

Ryan looked confused.

‘From the Prius.’

The driver popped the Prius’ hatchback and Ryan looked inside at assorted weapons and a kids’ plastic cricket set. He found a rusted metal can and tried to think how he might help Lladro escape. The dentist was in no state to run off, so Ryan would have to knock out Clark, then somehow take out the driver sitting in the car ten metres away.

Clark snatched the can out of Ryan’s hand and rust grated as he unscrewed the cap. Lladro screamed as Clark sloshed petrol into his eyes.

‘Fat little piggy like you,’ Clark teased, as he pulled a lighter out of his pocket. ‘You’ll make good crackling when you burn.’

‘You think I care?’ Lladro shouted defiantly. ‘I can be with my wife.’

‘Aww, baby,’ Clark mocked. ‘How much have you blown on whores since the old bag copped it?’

Ryan grasped the extendible baton in his trouser pocket, and took a step up so that he was close enough to whack Clark over the back of the head. Ryan was sure he could flatten Clark with one blow and get to the driver before he had too much time to think. Unless the driver had a gun in his glove box, in which case he’d just have to hope that his stab vest gave some protection from bullets too . . .

Clark erupted in a booming laugh as he squatted in front of Lladro and pocketed the lighter. ‘Death’s just letting you off easy, tubs!’ he said. ‘We’re taxing the Jag and the golf clubs. Hagar’s giving you two weeks. Either pay the three hundred and eighty grand you owe him, or go to a lawyer and get papers written up to hand over full ownership of the dental practice.’

Ryan felt relieved as Clark backed off. Lladro managed to sit up slightly, hands trembling and eyes stinging. Despite the pounding he’d taken, he still managed a patronising manner.

‘If I could

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