Lone Wolf - Robert Muchamore Page 0,45

good is stupidly cheap,’ Fay began. ‘Eli will make his entire outlay back just from selling the one-gram bags on the street. You’re just trying to push the price down because Eli will give you a taste of any money you manage to shave off his bill.’

Fay took a big breath before continuing. ‘I’ve spoken to a lot of people on the street and I happen to know that Eli and Hagar hate each other’s guts. I’d bet my last twenty quid that the first thing Eli does when he gets hold of this merchandise is get someone to take a photograph and send it to Hagar, just to wind him up.’

Shawn shook his head slowly. ‘No flies on you, are there?’ he said, as he cracked a wicked smile and pointed at the bag with the money inside. ‘Take the cash, you’ve got your deal.’

Ning nodded to indicate that she was happy with the amount of money in the bag.

‘I’ll be back in touch when I have more gear,’ Fay said.

Shawn snorted as he grabbed the two cocaine-filled backpacks and stood up. ‘You girls be careful,’ he warned. ‘You both seem smart, but that don’t make you invincible.’


The next morning, Warren answered his front door dressed in Diesel jeans, Lacoste polo and slightly too much aftershave.

‘Well, don’t you smell nice?’ Ning teased, as she stood in the doorway with rain soaking through the top of her hoodie.

‘You look like you’ve seen a ghost,’ Fay added. ‘Are you gonna leave us standing out here in the rain or what?’

Warren stepped away from the door, and glanced around guiltily before closing it behind the girls.

‘Your mum home?’ Fay asked, as Warren led them to the kitchen.

‘She does office cleaning on Saturday. Won’t be home till lunchtime.’

Fay and Ning dumped wet umbrellas on the lino, as Warren nervously opened the fridge.

‘You want a drink?’ Warren asked. ‘Coke, juice? Or I can make a brew.’

‘We’re good,’ Fay said. ‘Sit down at the table. What’s with all the pacing about?’

Warren stood by a little dining-table, fingers clenching a chair back as the girls sat down.

‘Why am I nervous?’ he said, sounding like he’d just been asked the world’s stupidest question. ‘Because you two should not be coming here. Eli sent Hagar a message saying, “Thanks for the drugs,” and Hagar blew his stack. Word’s over the street like a rash. All kinds of nasty stories about what Hagar will do if he catches you, and anyone who tipped you off.’

Fay remained calm. ‘You’re not stupid. You must have known Hagar wouldn’t be happy when you tipped us off.’

Warren shook his head. ‘I didn’t think you’d be dumb enough to sell the gear straight to Hagar’s biggest rival.’

‘I know what I’m doing,’ Fay said.

‘He’s worked out your name and everything,’ Warren spat. ‘Your aunt and your mum used to rob him. You’re out for revenge, but that’s not what I signed up for.’

‘Yeah, you signed up for this,’ Fay said, as she took a bundle of money from the inside pocket of her sodden jacket and pushed it across the tabletop.

‘Fat lot of use it does me if Hagar slits my throat,’ Warren said.

Fay reached towards the money. ‘We got fifty grand for the cocaine,’ she lied. ‘Your share comes to ten, but if you don’t want it . . .’

Warren reluctantly grabbed the money, and actually looked impressed as he fanned the stack of notes.

‘Be careful how you spend it,’ Ning said. ‘People will ask questions if you start throwing money around.’

‘I’ll save it for university, if I live that long,’ Warren said.

‘So what about the other place where you said your cousin worked?’ Fay asked. ‘The grow house?’

Warren shook his head. ‘Screw you. Hagar’s on the warpath and I’m keeping my profile so low that ants will be looking down at me.’

‘Why chicken out now?’ Fay asked. ‘If we pull another job, what’s Hagar gonna do that he’s not gonna do already?’

‘Why did the two of you rock up here?’ Warren blurted. ‘You could have called. We could have met up somewhere in town where nobody would see you.’

Ning also felt that Fay was being reckless, but she was playing the role of naive sidekick so she hadn’t been able to speak up.

‘Next time, I’ll call,’ Fay said, acting like it was all a big joke. ‘Tell me about the grow house and I’ll make you a full partner. Even three-way split.’

Warren finally felt calm enough to sit at the table. Fay

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