Lone Wolf - Robert Muchamore Page 0,37

but he actually just had a nasty cut on his bottom lip.

‘I’ve called the police,’ the woman said.

Ryan wasn’t keen on having to explain what had happened to the cops. ‘I’ve got to get going,’ he said.

But Ryan’s knee buckled as soon as he tried to walk and when the woman’s husband appeared holding a plastic garden chair, he settled into it gratefully.

Ryan was worried that losing the drugs would be the end of his association with Hagar’s crew and wondered what he’d say to the cops. But as he sat on the lightweight chair his biggest concern was the amount of blood pouring into his mouth.

Two policemen arrived a few minutes later.

‘Two guys jumped me, stole my pack, my phone and ran off.’

‘Can you describe ’em?’

Ryan invented two fairly nondescript muggers.

‘There’s CCTV in the lobby,’ one cop said. ‘We’ll try and get the tape.’

Ryan doubted that the cops would put too much effort into tracking down a case of a kid getting mugged. They asked where he lived, but Ryan couldn’t speak without blood running out the corner of his mouth and the cops decided to take him to hospital.

The larger of the two officers let Ryan put an arm around his back as they walked towards the lift.


James was in the kitchen in the flat when Ning rapped on the frosted-glass front door.

‘Come in, come in,’ James said warmly.

Ning took a seat at the kitchen table and sighed. ‘Working with Fay is intense. She’s focused on Hagar twenty-four/seven.’

‘Tea?’ James asked. ‘Or a cold drink?’

‘Can of Coke, or something like that would be great,’ Ning said.

‘So what’s she been finding out?’ James asked.

‘Tons of stuff about Hagar’s people. Where they’re working from, what they’re selling, who’s important.’

‘Is she discreet?’

Ning shook her head. ‘Fay’s clever, but she’s been going around asking lots of questions about Hagar’s operations. Sooner or later someone who matters will notice.’

James nodded as he placed two cans of Diet Coke on the table and sat opposite Ning. ‘You’d think she’d be ultra-cautious after her mother and aunt were both murdered.’

‘She’s got that thrill seeker mentality,’ Ning said, as she pulled the tab on her can.

James looked thoughtful. ‘So I’ve got a vengeful thrill seeker, walking around with a loaded Glock in her pocket. We’re gonna have to play this carefully.’

‘How do you mean?’ Ning asked.

‘Let’s just say that my new career as a mission controller will be short-lived if you and Fay get involved in a bloody shoot-out.’

‘I’ll try my best to avoid that scenario,’ Ning said, smiling but also aware that it wasn’t a totally unrealistic prospect. ‘I need to bring something to the party to keep close to Fay.’

‘Like what?’ James asked.

‘Fay has been doing a lot of stuff on her own, while I’m at school. She’s also getting information out of Warren. The only thing I’m offering Fay right now is a bunk on the floor of my room at Nebraska House.’

James shook his head. ‘I don’t think that’s true. I thought you were friends.’

‘We get on fine, but Fay’s focused like a laser beam. If you want me to stay close to her and all the information she’s gathering on Hagar’s crew, I need to bring something to the table.’

‘What have you got in mind?’ James asked.

‘Fay thinks she’s got a better chance of getting at Hagar if she forms an alliance with Eli’s crew. Trouble is, she’s spoken to a few street dealers and can’t get anywhere when it comes to finding out who’s who.’

James nodded. ‘So if I can get you a name and location for one of Eli’s lieutenants, you’ll seem a much more worthwhile friend to Fay.’

‘Exactly,’ Ning said.

‘I’ll speak to the local drugs squad,’ James said. ‘How will you say you got the information?’

‘Tell her I found out from a kid at school, or something.’

James picked up his Coke to drink, but downed it when he felt his phone vibrating inside his pocket. He didn’t recognise the number.

‘It’s me,’ Ryan said, with a slurred voice. ‘I’m in accident and emergency.’


Ryan lay shirtless on a hospital bed, with his head tipped back to stop the bleeding.

‘I’m really sorry,’ he said, when he saw James.

‘What have you got to be sorry for?’

‘I screwed up the mission,’ Ryan said. ‘I’ll never get back in Craig’s good books.’

‘You can’t be certain,’ James said.

‘They’ll probably kick my arse if I show my face at The Hangout.’

‘They must have known the risks.’

As James said this a youthful doctor stepped into the cubicle.

‘Will he

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