Lone Wolf - Diana Palmer Page 0,91

had a low calving season—they lost heifers in that slide, and we can do a Zoom vote on it.”

What were they talking about? She lifted her gaze and watched him, curiosity rising.

Zachary nodded. “What’s the donation?”

“Just a calf each,” Trent said. “That’ll put them in good shape. By Tuesday.”

“Got it,” Zeke said. “Let’s go, Z.” He nodded to his brother. “We have several fences down from the storm, and daylight’s burning.”

Zachary winked at Hallie and followed his brother. “See you soon.”

She finished her coffee, thinking this through. Okay. She probably had enough money for one night at a hotel, and maybe there was a job in town that she could do. It was a small town, so she’d be safe. For a while.

“Babe? What’s goin’ on in that head of yours?” Trent set his mug in the sink and reached for hers.

She hopped off the bar stool and reached for her suitcase. “Um, nothing. I’ll go get dressed. I hate to impose further on you, but would you give me a ride into town? To a hotel?” Then she looked around at the room that so badly needed cleaning. As did the women’s restroom. Her head shot up and hope filled her. “Um, who usually cleans this place?”

He looked around. “Well, we had a cleaning lady, but she got irritated and quit. That’s one of the items we need to discuss via Zoom. You offering?”

More heat slid into her face. He could tell she was broke, and he was being kind. Man, she hated pity, but she was also desperate. “I’m offering. Twenty dollars an hour, cash, and I stay in one of the rooms until my car is fixed.” She held her breath, waiting.

“Twenty dollars an hour, cash, and you’re staying at the ranch house.”

Her head jerked up. “No.”

“Yes.” He swept an arm out. “Sorry. No way are you staying out here by yourself—club rules.”

Her chin lifted, and she narrowed her gaze. “You’re telling me that you couldn’t stay out here by yourself one night if you wanted to do so?”

“No. I’m tellin’ you that you’re not staying out here alone. I promise you’ll be perfectly safe at my ranch—I didn’t take advantage of you last night, and I never would. Take it or leave it, baby.”

Did she have a choice? “Fine, but stop calling me baby.”


When Trent walked into the drizzle outside the clubhouse, the light rain turned the dried mud on his boots to wet mud. Harley stood in the middle of the nearest field, watching him. Man, that wolf was getting even weirder.

The twins were double-checking the various garage doors before heading out. Zachary looked up. “Does Wyatt need backup?”

“No. He checked in, and the mission is good. He has enough backup.” Trent didn’t have time to talk about this. “It’s his last mission, and then we’re free.” Probably. Wyatt had one more job to do to repay a favor from his past, and then their soldier days would be behind them. Would ranching be enough for all of them? He wasn’t sure.

Zach grinned now, his body relaxing. “Good. Where’s the city girl?”

“Wanted to take a shower and change into clean clothes,” Trent said, eyeing the fences lining the property. He tugged a cell phone from his back pocket. “Has service returned?” It went out often, and it was hit-or-miss whether the call would go through. He had a satellite phone in the clubhouse but didn’t want to dig it out of one of the safes.

Zeke nodded. “Zachary already has three dates lined up for the weekend, so we have service.”

Zachary pulled down a door and locked several snowcats safely inside. “I’m a lonely guy.”

Trent rolled his eyes and dialed quickly.

“Simpson,” a low voice rumbled over the sound of wind in the background.

“Hey, Greg, it’s Trent. What time do you have your kids heading out to clean the clubhouse?” Trent might have to cut them off at the main road. The Simpson kids were two boys and a girl, all teens, and they liked to earn going-out money. Considering he’d lied to Hallie that they didn’t have anybody to clean the clubhouse, he hoped he’d timed this right.

Greg sighed. “I have two fences down and the kids are helping right now. I’ll send them out this afternoon.”

“Tell ’em I got it covered this time and not to worry about it for the next week. I know they’re trying to earn money, so send them to the ranch house for work if they have extra hours.

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