The Lone Rancher - By Carol Finch Page 0,59

others and it injured his pride. When his brothers and sister abandoned him, he had vowed to manage without anyone. For the most part, he had, though he had practically worked himself to death doing it.

She braced her hands on either side of him, then leaned down to kiss him again. “You’re welcome, Cahill. Now get better. That’s an order.”

When she walked away, he swallowed a smile and decided a few dozen of Boston’s kisses were the only remedy he needed to get back on his feet.

Chapter Ten

Adrianna was greatly relieved when the doctor arrived to check on Quin. Dr. Lewis was a slight, fair-haired man who was an inch or two under six feet. He was thirty—or thereabouts—had kind brown eyes and a reassuring smile. The physician’s examination revealed Quin had suffered a mild concussion.

She figured his hardheadedness was the reason he wasn’t comatose. If any other man had endured repetitive blows, he probably would have been dead.

Dr. Lewis prescribed plenty of rest for Quin, then questioned her about the dead man they had found last night by the springs. As Quin had cautioned, Adrianna didn’t volunteer any information other than she had gone looking for Quin when he didn’t return home promptly.

The young doctor left the house in his buggy, promising to notify the city marshal as Adrianna had re quested. Surprisingly, Tobias Hobbs, the city marshal, arrived twenty minutes later. Hobbs was mid-thirties, six foot tall with dark hair and a mustache. He was an attractive man who wore a stylish bowler hat, vest and suit.

Of course, he didn’t compare to Quin Cahill in size and stature, but then Adrianna had developed a sentimental attachment to cowboys—one in particular. However, she tried exceptionally hard not to let Cahill know she was in danger of losing her heart to him.

It would humiliate her to no end to confide the truth and have him remind her that he didn’t have time in his life for lasting attachments. So Adrianna behaved as nonchalantly as she knew how and kept her growing affection for Cahill a carefully guarded secret.

“That was fast,” Adrianna commented as Marshal Hobbs dismounted from his horse. “I didn’t think Dr. Lewis had time to contact you so you could ride out.”

“I was already on my way out here,” Hobbs explained, his expression serious as he tipped his hat politely to her. “We met briefly at your town party, Miz McKnight. Remember?”

“I remember,” she replied. Hobbs had gone through the receiving line but Adrianna had only had time to say hello and welcome him before he’d ambled off.

“I was told you had a fire at your ranch recently. Sorry to hear it.”

She nodded. “Cahill was kind enough to offer us shelter temporarily.” She opened the door to invite Hobbs inside.

“Half the people in town wager Cahill started your fire to drive you away. The other half suspects it’s a scheme to get you into his house so he can romance you out of your ranch.” Hobbs stared pointedly at her. “Apparently, it worked.”

“That is preposterous,” she scoffed. “I want those rumors quelled immediately.”

Hobbs lifted his shoulder in a casual shrug. “You and Cahill are wealthy and high profile. The rest of us are ordinary folks. Some people thrive on gossip about the activities and woes of the rich.”

“The fact is, Cahill helped douse the fire. Then he generously allowed my employees and me a place to stay until my home airs out,” she explained irritably.

“Whatever you say,” he patronized, annoying her further. “I’m not sitting in judgment. My job is to enforce the law.”

“And to investigate crimes,” she reminded him crisply. “I sent for you to investigate a shooting death last night. We didn’t move the body so you can survey the area.”

“I already looked around the site.” Hobbs was all business as he stared at her. “I received an anonymous note this morning that said there was a dead body at Phantom Springs on 4C Ranch. It also said Cahill was the cause of death.”

“What?” Adrianna hooted in disbelief. “That is absurd. Cahill had nothing to do with the killing. It’s a wonder he isn’t dead himself!”

The marshal’s dark eyes narrowed skeptically. “How do you know for certain that he wasn’t involved?”

Adrianna heeded Quin’s warning not to mention her involvement to anyone, in case she became a witness who needed to be silenced. “Because Cahill told me what happened. He arrived on the scene to find a man shot in the back.”

Hobbs glanced toward the parlor. “Is Copyright 2016 - 2024