The Lone Rancher - By Carol Finch Page 0,40

sister had settled. The news, especially delivered from a cad of the highest caliber, came as a devastating blow.

“Whether that arrogant blowhard is telling the truth or not, he’ll spread the vicious scandal about Leanna and the possibility of a child all over town. It’s my fault that she’s out in the world, struggling to survive.”

He scowled sourly. “The thought of Leanna falling into ruin eats me up inside. I wonder if Bowie knows. And Chance? Is he in some kind of trouble, too? Damn it! It’s my job to protect the younger ones and I sent them away in anger.”

“You are not responsible for Leanna or Chance,” Boston assured him firmly.

He looked down at her and snorted. “I’m not? Then why do I feel as if I cast my sister to the wolves?”

“Because you’re her big brother and you believe it’s your born duty, just like you believe it’s your obligation to carry on your father’s dreams to expand the 4C.”

Although he glowered at her, his silver-gray eyes flaring with anger, she stepped forward, not away. “I know how your sister feels. At least I think I do,” she insisted. “She wants to be her own person, not the extension of a family legacy.

“I wanted my father to appreciate me for who I am inside, but he wanted me to live a fairy-tale life and become the image of my mother. I was to be pampered by some wealthy man who could manage my fortune so I wouldn’t have to fret over business. But you know perfectly well that’s not who I am, Cahill, even if my father couldn’t see it. Furthermore, whatever Leanna is doing with her life, I bet she prefers to make her own choices and face the consequences.”

Quin blew out an agitated breath, then nodded reluctantly. “You independent females drive men crazy.”

“Why? Because we envy what men have? Choices?” she challenged. “Because we want to control our destiny? To vote and to have a say in laws that affect us as much as men?”

“This is no time for one of your barnstorming speeches,” he muttered darkly.

“I’m trying to tell you how your sister likely feels,” she insisted. “You need to see the world from her point of view, from my point of view. Try trading places with me for a week. See how you react to being stifled and treated like a second-class citizen. See how you react to being bossed around by men who think it is their God-given right to do so.”

Quin wheeled around, intent on looking up Preston and pounding him into the ground. But Adrianna would have none of that. She grabbed his arm and blocked his path.

“I’ve met his type before. He delights in tormenting others for his own amusement. It would take a dozen Prestons to make one of you, Cahill. Don’t lower yourself to his despicable level. Especially not here. Not tonight.”

“Fine, but I need a drink. The punch isn’t strong enough to numb the feeling that I’ve failed my sister, just as my two brothers have failed her. Damn them! They should’ve told me where she was. She should’ve sent word to me!” he brooded.

Adrianna suspected Quin’s sister had rejected Preston when she realized what a rascal he was. This was, no doubt, Preston’s way of retaliating. Unfortunately, Quin had to deal with the scandalous gossip about his sister and the rumor about how he was attempting to charm Adrianna into selling out to him. Not to mention that malarkey about the supposed Cahill Curse being deserved punishment for his family’s prosperity.

She blew out an exasperated sigh while she watched Quin stalk off, looking like a fire-breathing dragon in elegant formal attire. She’d like to shoot that Preston character full of buckshot for blurting out those comments that cut Quin to the core. Wherever Leanna Cahill was, her reputation was being dragged through the mud tonight, compliments of Preston Van Slyck. The offensive, drunken bastard.

“Do not let that scoundrel ruin Rosa’s party. Don’t you ruin this celebration,” Adrianna chanted repeatedly as she strode across Town Square. She was itching to blow that man to smithereens for spreading gossip and upsetting Quin to the extreme. “Blast it all, who is going to stop me from giving that spiteful bastard the shooting he so richly deserves?”

Chapter Seven

Quin stalked across the tracks to chug a few stiff drinks and cool off at Hell’s Corner Saloon. Unfortunately, the place had been locked up tight. He glanced south to see Sid Meeker Copyright 2016 - 2024