The Lone Rancher - By Carol Finch Page 0,34

body, only for her social connections and her fortune. She supposed she should have been insulted by Quin’s comments and horrified with her own responses concerning no-strings-attached trysts. However, the truth was she had been tempted to follow Quin to his room a few days earlier to find out what all the fuss was about.

Rosa could clue her in but Adrianna was too embarrassed to ask for specifics.

Somehow, Adrianna had managed to resist the reckless urge that had been hounding her, but that didn’t mean the temptation to find out what other sensations lust provoked was lost on her….

“Do you agree?” Bea prompted, staring curiously at her.

“Oh, sorry, I was mentally listing the duties I want to tend to when we arrive in town for the party,” Adrianna lied.

Bea’s lips pursed in wry amusement. “Of course you were, dearie. You’ve done a lot of woolgathering of late. Somehow I don’t think it has anything to do with managing this ranch or overseeing arrangements for tonight’s party.”

“I have no idea what you are suggesting,” Adrianna said aloofly, then flicked an imaginary speck of lint off her gown.

Bea sniffed in contradiction. “Of course you do and we both know it. And for the record, I’m beginning to like Cahill. Hiram still has some reservations, but he is like a protective father where you’re concerned. A woman of your rank and wealth must always be cautious of men’s ulterior motives.” She glanced meaningfully at Adrianna. “It doesn’t matter if the man in question is an Easterner or a Westerner.”

Adrianna tucked a curly strand of hair into the coiffure pinned atop her head, then spun toward the bedroom door. “I suppose the recent rumors suggest Cahill is courting my ranch because he made it clear he wants to buy it.”

“I’m afraid so,” Bea murmured unhappily. “I hope I haven’t got too-high hopes in Cahill. One must always be on guard. I don’t want you to be disappointed or heartbroken.”

“I plan to avoid both,” Adrianna murmured as she led the way down the steps to where Butler waited.

He smiled at Beatrice as if she were the most breathtaking creature to walk the face of the earth. Now that Adrianna had figured out what was going on between her man of affairs and housekeeper they were open in their affection for each other. Adrianna had noticed the same tender expression on Lucas Burnett’s face when he stared at Rosa.

What would it be like to become a confidante, devoted friend and lover to a man? she wondered. She doubted she’d ever find out. She’d rejected dozens of proposals in the past seven years. Yet, the man who had drawn her interest and her provocative speculations was devoted completely to 4C Ranch.

His obsessive passion for preserving the family legacy had caused a rift with his siblings. Did Quin ever regret the absence of family in his life? Had he invited them back and they had turned him down?

Adrianna cherished her freedom and independence, but she had Beatrice, Butler and Elda—the cook who now saw herself as some sort of espionage agent who had infiltrated the 4C. Adrianna smiled at the thought. If her cook craved adventure and intrigue, then so be it. Still, Adrianna missed Elda and her delicious meals. She wondered how long Elda would camp out at Quin’s house.

“Are we ready?” Butler questioned as he stepped between Adrianna and Beatrice to escort them to the door. “I hope the weather cooperates for this outdoor affair. I noticed a bank of dark clouds piling on the southwestern horizon. I have no idea what that implies in this part of the country, but I do not want it to rain on Rosa’s grand parade.”

Neither did Adrianna. Much planning and expense had gone into the festivities that included tables heaped with food and gallons of punch. Rosa had cautioned Adrianna that ruffians from the Wrong Side had disrupted her Christmas party on the square. Lucas and Quin had put a stop to it, but it was difficult to exclude rapscallions—who arrived inebriated—when you invited the whole town to a social affair.

What she didn’t need was a brawl to add fuel to all the gossip winging around town. Rumors of a curse were still flying. Add to that rumors of the McKnight-Cahill Feud. Now, thanks to her attempt to quell talk of a feud, folks were thinking Quin was trying to charm her into selling the ranch because she had kissed him in front of the cowboys.

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