London Dynasty (The Dynasties #1) - Geneva Lee Page 0,54

another long drag. “Look, think of it as a perk. You don’t have to go to bed with some guy you hate. You’re not the one being forced to marry him. It’s not your life that’s on the line.”

“I think that’s the problem,” I admitted with a sigh, sinking into the pillows on my bed. Kerrigan’s bed, I silently corrected myself. “I can’t help but feel like I’m making choices for her, and that’s not my place.”

“Think of it like you’re an actress,” Eliza said brightly. “You’re playing a character. Someday she’ll come back and take over the role.”

“That’s what I was afraid you would say. Doesn’t that mean I should think about her future?”

“Why? She’s not. And it’s not like she can’t come back and refuse to marry him or divorce him or whatever,” Eliza said casually, and I envied her easy dismissal of the ethical concerns at stake. “You do what’s best for you. And ten million pounds is best for you. If you get to enjoy some hot sex at the same time, why feel guilty about that? Just focus on the moment and enjoy yourself.”

“Eliza,” I said in a soft voice, “what if I fall in love with him?”

She took the longest drag off her cigarette I’d ever heard. “Don’t.”

“I wish it were that simple,” I said flatly.

“You barely know him, Kate. You can’t be in love with him.”

“I said what if I fall in love with him,” I pointed out.

“And I told you not to do it,” she said, repeating her advice. “Look, enjoy the sex, but keep it casual. Don’t open up to him. Don’t share who you really are with him. Don’t let him open up to you. Keep it shallow. I’m talking wading pool deep.”

“I’ll try,” I said, but I wasn’t convinced I could.

“Okay, tell me the rest,” she said. “Is the house huge?”

I filled her in on the details of Willoughby Place and then described Sparrow Court. When I reached the description of Spencer’s flat, she stopped me.

“Wait! He has a brother?” she asked after I mentioned my run-in with Holden and his lady friend.

“A twin brother,” I said.

“You didn’t mention that until now?” she shrieked. “Is he available? Because Spencer is really hot. Oh my God, are they identical? Or is Spencer the hot one and then Holden is like the Picasso version of him?”

Despite the worry that had weighed me down all morning, I burst out in laughter. “The Picasso version?”

“Yeah,” she said. “Like his face is a little wrong. He looks like Spencer but his eyes are different colors or his ears are lopsided?”

“They’re completely identical, as far as I know,” I said, still laughing.

“There you go. Problem solved.”

“What do you mean?” I didn’t see how having two men as handsome as Spencer and Holden in my life was going to make anything any easier.

“Use the brother,” she told me. “Mess around with him.”

“I’m not sure Spencer would like that,” I said, my amusement fading.

“Not judging by what that Rose chic said,” Eliza reminded me. “You want to keep things casual with Spencer? Divide your attention between the two of them. I’m sure it will just be a huge burden to be sleeping with two handsome aristocrats.”

“You’re crazy,” I told her.

“I’m right,” she corrected me. “Oh shit, babe, I have to go. I promised Ron I would get to the pub early. Don’t wait so long to call me next time. I want to know all the dirty details.”

I hung up with her, still shaking my head at her solution to my problem. I couldn’t get involved with both Spencer and Holden.

Could I?

Chapter Twenty-Three

Before I had a chance to really consider it, a text message showed up on my phone.

Hey, Holden and I are going to watch the West Ham match tonight at our place. Care to come and see why they should be your team, too?

I hesitated before typing my response. I wanted to see Spencer.


He promises to be on his best behavior, but I can kick him out if you want me all to yourself. I just thought the two of you should get to know each other.

I thought of what Eliza had said. This was my opportunity to feel out the situation. It was a crazy idea, but I wasn’t sure I had any other choice. I had to find a way to keep myself from getting too involved with Spencer. That didn’t leave me many options. So I responded with the only viable one.

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