Logan - Lane Hart Page 0,36

hand with mine and squeeze it. “I know there must be plenty of things that you’re great at. Let’s start with what do you like to do in your free time?”

“Read. Dance, but just for fun. Travel, but I’ve been to a lot of places already…”

“Okay, so based on those things, you could be a librarian or…a book reviewer,” I suggest off the top of my head.

Brayden grins and says, “I think libraries are going extinct thanks to eBooks, but maybe I could do reviews. That’s not exactly a great way to make money, though.”

“Not everything has to be about making money. I didn’t become a lawyer because of the pay. If you had a popular review website, though, you could monetize it with ads, recommend books on sites with affiliate programs.”

“Hmm, I never thought of that,” Brayden says. “You’re a pretty smart cookie, Mr. Davenport.”

“I have my moments,” I reply with a grin. Giving her hand one last squeeze, I pull it away from hers.

“You have a lot of moments,” she tells me, and I practically beam from her compliment.

Wait a second. Is Brayden flirting with me? God, I hope so.

“Let’s go dancing tonight,” she says out of the blue.

“Dancing?” I repeat.

“Yeah, I love to dance, but I don’t get to do it very often.”

“Are you sure?” I ask. “You’ve never seen me try to dance. Try being the keyword. You may change your mind as soon as you see my moves.”

“I don’t care if you’re awful at it, I want to see all of your moves,” Brayden tells me. “Please?”

Jesus. When did one word start having such an impact on me? There’s nothing I would refuse this woman, even the horror that is me trying to dance.

“Okay, we’ll go dancing,” I agree, causing Brayden to cheer in her seat. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Chapter Nineteen


“Come on. Dance with me, Logan,” I beg him while tugging on his hand when one of my favorite songs comes on. We’ve been in the club for over twenty minutes now, and he hasn’t stepped foot in the direction of the dance floor.

“I dunno,” he replies with a shake of his head. “It’s gonna be bad.”

“Pretty please?” I beg. “I don’t want to go out on the dance floor alone.”

That makes him cave faster than I expect. He stops resisting and lets me pull him out to the edge of the crowd.

I put my arms in the air and start swaying my hips with Logan inches away but not touching me. And then he starts to move to the rhythm, and it’s all I can do not to fall over laughing, because he looks ridiculous.

“You were right,” I lean forward and grab onto his shoulders to get close enough for him to hear me. Getting to touch him is a nice bonus. “You can’t dance!”

Resting his hand on my lower back to pull me closer to get to my ear, he says “I told you so. And I’m way too old to be out here.”

“No, you’re not. You just need to loosen up a little,” I tell Logan as I put my arms around his neck and step closer to him so that his leg is between the two of mine.

“What are you doing, Brayden?” he asks, yet he doesn’t put any space between us. In fact, he wraps his arms around me and presses his hips closer. Close enough that I can feel his hard length against my leg.

“I want you. And you obviously want me too,” I say with my lips pressed against his ear before pulling back enough to look down at where our bodies are bumping and grinding against each other.

“We can’t…I shouldn’t,” he says instead of denying it.

When I start to take a step back, Logan pulls me closer, and then his mouth is covering mine. His kiss is rough and demanding, and I love it. And when his tongue forces entry past my lips, I can’t open up fast enough. No longer dancing to the beat of the music, our bodies move against each other frantically, needing to be closer.

Logan eventually breaks contact with my mouth, but only because he wants to put his lips on my neck.

“Oh, god,” I moan as I melt bonelessly right there in his arms. “It’s our last night. Let’s make the most of it,” I tell him over the music with a tug of my fingers in his hair. “Take me back to the hotel?” I ask.

Panting, Logan’s lips

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