Logan Kade (Fallen Crest #5.5) - Tijan Page 0,77

sure. I still didn’t really understand what he’d gotten mixed up in. And I didn’t want to know.



“Where’s your boyfriend?”

I was sitting in my sociology class when that question came from the aisle next to my seat. I automatically thought it was Jason, but when I saw it was Logan, my retort died in my throat. “What are you doing here?”

He smirked down at me before sinking into the chair beside me. “Tsk tsk, Taylor.” He waved a finger. “The real question is why did it take me so long to properly stalk you? Duh. I can’t stalk the chick I’m sleeping with if I’m in a different sociology class. That’s Creeping 101.”

I played along. “Oh, yeah. What took you so long?”

His head bobbed. “I’m not on my A game. It took me way too long to catch up.” He patted my leg. “I sincerely apologize for that.”

I laughed as his hand went quickly from patting to groping, I moved it back to his lap. “If you’re a creeper, that went into the stalker zone.”

He wagged his eyebrows at me. “I can be a stalker. Any day. Any time. Any…” His gaze fell to my lips. “…position.”

I shook my head. Last night he’d been setting cars on fire, driving like a maniac, and punching someone for me. Fast forward through an intense hour back at his house and a night of slow and delicious sex, and now he was hitting on me like nothing happened?

I pointed my pen at him. “You give me whiplash sometimes.”


“Last night. I mean, it was…”

His eyes darkened in a sensual way. I felt an ache between my legs as he pointed to his face. “This is Public Face Logan,” he said. “I’m all smiles, jokes, and innuendos. You saw Real Face Logan last night.”

“I’d rather have Real Face Logan over Public Face Logan any day, any time, any…” I licked my lips. “…position.”

He groaned, dipping his head closer to mine. “I see what you did just there.”

“You do?”

We both wore stupid grins, getting stupider by the second, but I was beyond caring.

“Mr. Kade.” The professor’s voice boomed over the classroom.

We jerked apart, and an embarrassed flush heated my cheeks. I slumped in my seat and tried to remember we hadn’t been doing anything wrong. Just flirting, a voice said in my head. I felt guilty for flirting. That was ridiculous.

“Yo, teach.” Logan was the exact opposite of me. He sat as straight in his chair as possible and lifted a hand in a casual wave. “Thanks for letting me switch classes. It’s much appreciated.”

Our professor looked at me as she mused, “Mmm-hmmm. I’m sure your reasons were valid.”

“Completely. My allergies always flare up for nine a.m. classes.”

“A couple of hours later seem to be working just fine for you.” She motioned to him. “I don’t hear any sniffling or wheezing.”

“Yep. Told you this would work better.”

She harrumphed once more before turning on the projector, and a smattering of laughter rippled through the class. I could feel the other students’ eyes and remembered the first day of school. So many girls had watched me, trying to flirt with Logan. Now it was even worse. I felt like they could tell we’d been intimate. I wanted to hide in my chair. As if sensing my embarrassment, Logan threw his arm around my shoulder and squeezed me to his side.

“Oh my God,” I muttered under my breath.

The professor stopped talking and turned to us. “Is there a problem, Miss Bruce?”

I cursed under my breath, but before I could respond, Logan lifted his hand in the air again. “She sneezed. Her allergies are acting up this time.”

“She’s been fine all week,” the professor replied coolly. “Perhaps she’s allergic to you, Mr. Kade?”

I tensed. That left it wide open for Logan. I knew he was going to say something, and then everyone would know. He laughed before his delivery. “Not possible. I was all over her last night, and there’s not a hive in sight.” He studied me for a moment and gave her the thumbs-up sign. “She’s breathing just fine.”

Yep. He went there.

I closed my eyes and hung my head. Hearing how the whispering picked up, I knew this was going to spread like wildfire.

Logan was so pleased with himself, but once class ended, I grabbed him and pulled him to an empty room. I whirled on him as soon as the door closed. “Do you know what you did in there? You announced that we’re sleeping

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