Logan Kade (Fallen Crest #5.5) - Tijan Page 0,53

for the front door. “You look a little pale.”

I caught movement in the kitchen from the corner of my eye. I knew it was Sam. I could almost feel her judgment—or worse, her pity. I didn’t look. I didn’t want to see that look. I’d dealt with enough of those looks in the last nine months, so I nodded to Logan and said, “I’m fine.” And before anything else could happen, I stepped outside and hurried to his car.

Logan stopped once on the drive. He bought coffee for both of us, and it still seemed like the trip to my car went way too fast. He pulled up next to it and left the engine running. I glanced over as I undid my seatbelt. Last night had been…I was assaulted by images of us in bed, my legs around his waist as he went deep into me.

I let out a small cough. “Well, that was—”

Logan laughed, his head falling back to rest against his seat. “Save your words, Bruce. You and me, we’re going Night 2.0 in a few.”

My hand let go of the seatbelt. My heart moved up into my throat at that promise.

He leaned over, his body brushing against mine as he opened the door for me. Before he moved back, his head turned and planted a kiss on my lips. It was quick, but firm and authoritative. “Stop thinking about it,” he whispered, his lips still on mine. “I’m not ready to let you go yet.”

His words pounded through me. Feeling dazed by everything, I nodded, my lips brushing over his. “Just fun,” I whispered.

His eyes darkened. “Hell, yeah.”

Yeah. Fun. That was what it was, but his words still lodged in me. He wasn’t ready to let me go, and I wasn’t ready to let go of him yet either. Still, I pressed my lips to his and slid from the car. My knees were unsteady as I shut the door and turned toward my vehicle. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw that Logan was waiting for me. Once I started the engine, he lifted his hand in a wave and drove off.

I slumped forward, resting my forehead on the steering wheel. Good God. Logan Kade was going to be the death of me.

But you’re alive, a voice that sounded a lot like my mother’s said in my head.

I took a deep breath, feeling my pulse thumping and tingling sensations sizzling all through me. The voice was right. No matter the ending, Logan Kade would be worth it.

I was alive.

I was nervous when I met Claire for lunch. I hadn’t been a virgin yesterday, but I was different now. There was an extra glow to my face. I was the one wearing it, but even I could see it. I could practically feel my eyes sparkling, but she didn’t seem to notice. I was relieved, then bored as I sat back and spent an entire hour hearing about Ben. Apparently, Claire had been right, and Malia did have a thing for him too. Anytime he and Claire had been alone on the patio, she kept intruding. She was drunk, and all she could do was hang all over him. That had pissed Claire off, but the end of the night made up for everything.

He kissed her. Again.

And it hadn’t stopped there. They had a full make-out session when he walked her to her apartment door—even though Malia and another guy were waiting in the car. After a little while, Ben had said screw it. He’d gone inside the apartment with her and texted their friends to leave without him. He stayed the night, and today Claire was falling all over herself, giddy and giggling.

I couldn’t remember her this happy since…was it high school? Since… I could feel the glow drain from my face. Since before my mother died and Eric left. Claire started to describe Ben’s girth, and I focused on numbing the feeling away. Only it wouldn’t go.


I remembered how his hand had skimmed up my back. I remembered how his lips had grazed over mine, how he’d cupped the side of my face as he slid inside. I remembered arching my back, feeling his lips trail down my throat. I remembered the way he’d held me through the night, how he’d cradled my face to his chest and brushed his fingers through my hair, rubbing the back of my neck.

I remembered how he’d called himself Logan Sex Machine Kade this morning.

“What’s funny?”


I looked up. Claire

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