Logan Kade (Fallen Crest #5.5) - Tijan Page 0,34

big fat zero for the rest of you. As it should be in Logan Land.” I turned to my brother. “For real, though. I got all that shit for you. Don’t make me regret it.”

Today was Mason’s first home game. He asked the night before if I could get the fruit and juicer for him. Mason was always one for training, but since he decided to stay at school the last two years and get his degree before going pro, he was extra careful about his body—what he put into it and avoiding injury for the next two years. It was becoming rare to go to college all four years before the NFL. I knew Mason wanted to get a college degree no matter what, but as he started the juicer, I watched him glance over his shoulder at Sam. She was the other reason he had stayed.

I thought I loved Tate. That ended horribly. Then Sam came into our lives, literally moving in with us with her psychotic mother, and now Sam was family. Then there was my last girlfriend, Kris. She’d been young, with some of her own problems and an overprotective sister. I cared about Kris. I was with her for almost a year, and I was faithful. A lot of people assumed I was unfaithful, but fuck that. I wasn’t a weak-ass coward—not like my dad. I cared about Kris, but I knew I didn’t love her. Maybe that’s why Mason and Sam’s love was a bit much for me sometimes.

I loved vagina. That was what I loved, and I knew it would be a long-lasting relationship. No matter what, I would never stray from pussy. That sweetest part of the female anatomy was my soulmate.

“What are you thinking about, Logan?”

Nate had been watching me. “If I could marry vagina—not a particular person’s, but vagina in general—I think I could call myself happy in love.”

There was silence.

Nate coughed. “I’m not even touching that one.” He lifted his hand. “Can I get a glass of juice, Mason?”

“Oh, yeah.”

Mason made the juice. I did the omelets, and everyone got one, even Sam. Hers was double-stuffed with everything. She started to protest when I gave it to her, but I fixed her with a firm look. “You’re going to have all of that worked off within an hour when you go running. Deal with it, and eat it.”

No one else jumped in to support her, so she lowered her head, lifted her fork, and dug in. After a bite, she gave me a warm smile. Around a mouthful, she said, “Stho goo, Loganth.”

I grabbed my own plate and sat in the last open spot at the table. “Damn straight it’s good. I made it. It’s Logan approved.”

“When did you get all this stuff?” Nate reached for his glass. “It wasn’t in the fridge last night. I would’ve eaten it if it were, and I came in after you.”

After dropping Taylor off, the two chicks took us home. There was a lot of flirting, but for once, I wasn’t into it. I went inside, and Nate left with both of them.

“I got it this morning. I was well-rested.” I grinned at him. “Did you have a twofer last night?”

He laughed. “Uh…” He put his glass down, concentrating on it more than he needed to. “Let’s say the one girl was a little hurt you rejected her.” His smile grew more prominent. “I tried to make her feel better.”

Sam’s nose wrinkled. “I’m eating here.”

Mason laughed. “I think the big news is that Logan turned a chick down.”

All three gazed at me. I frowned. “What?”

Sam asked, “You turned a girl down?”

“I can be selective.”

“Not normally,” my brother responded. “With who you date, yes. Not with who you screw. You screw a lot of girls.”

“Shut up.” I scowled. “I went through all this to get your fruit and your juicer, and I became Chef Logan this morning.” I waved at the table. “Most of your plates are already empty.”

“No one’s saying anything negative, and you know I appreciate you doing all this. I really do.”

I could hear the but coming from my brother. He shared a look with Nate before continuing. “We’ve all noticed a decline in your female activities over the last week.”

Sam shot her hand up in the air. “I’m okay with it. I love that I’m not coming home and finding a new random in the kitchen or wandering around the house.” She pointed her fork at Mason. “I didn’t

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