Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,91


“Why is everyone mad at me? Logan’s the one who gave me the nickname. Kick him.”

“I’m not that dumb,” Ashley said. “Also, you never told us you have a hot brother.”

Ben’s blush was the cutest thing Bailey had ever seen. Logan set Bailey down on an exam table and scowled at Ashley.

Scout, on the other hand, looked sheepish.

“What?” Bailey asked.

“I mean, technically, I have three brothers and two sisters.”

“We’re going to need to x-ray your ankle to be sure there’s not a hairline fracture,” Ben said softly. “Alpha, may I get closer to your mate? I’d like to check for a concussion.”

Logan grumbled but took a half step back so Ben could get closer.

Everyone finally stopped talking while Ben shone a light in Bailey’s eyes and checked for… whatever it was he checked for. He pressed Bailey’s cheek, earning a slight wince. It wasn’t as bad as before, though, so Bailey was pretty sure it wasn’t broken.

The frantic feeling finally began to ease now that everyone else had quieted.

“Breathe, Bails,” Ashley said softly.

The others moved closer, and Ben stepped away. “I’ll give you a minute while I get the x-ray set up.”

“Did… did we leave Norman alone?”

“No,” Logan said. He ran his hand down Bailey’s back. “Coal has him. He’s not going anywhere.”

“Oh, I didn’t notice.”

“You’re a little out of it, Bails,” Ashley said softly. “But you totally kicked his ass.”

“Pretty sure that was you.”

“Nah, we just finished him off.”

“You did well,” Logan said. “All of you.”

“So… what exactly are you?” Ashley asked. “And when were you planning on telling us?”



Logan went down the hall of the clinic and found Vaughn Jerrick, Scout’s father, standing at the end of the hall. He had a lot of respect for the other alpha and the amazing pack he’d built. Considering Vaughn also had a human mate, Logan planned on asking Vaughn to be his mentor.

The last thing Logan wanted to do was to mess this up. Ever. But he’d never been up close and personal with a healthy pack or a good alpha. He’d always seen them from a distance. Now, though, he wasn’t willing to risk his pack because of his lack of experience. They were all counting on him. His pride could take the hit because he knew without a doubt he needed help.

Vaughn grabbed his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “It was smart to teach them how to take care of themselves. Jack says he’s learned a lot from you, and that’s saying something since he’s been around the hellhounds his entire life.”

Logan didn’t know the whole story, but he knew Scout’s childhood had been bad until he and his siblings were adopted by Vaughn and brought into his pack. “He’s a good man. Smart and loyal.”

Vaughn nodded. “He’s the quiet one of my brood, though. I’m glad he’s found a place to shine. It’s hard to do around here with all the kids vying for attention.”

Ben came down the hall and clipped an x-ray to a light on the wall. He flipped it on, and both Jerricks looked it over. “No breaks,” Ben said. “Not that I can see.”

“I concur,” Vaughn said. “Good work. How’s his head?”

“Good. I’m not seeing signs of concussion, but he’s in shock. I gave him a mild sedative.”

“Excellent. Let me know if you need anything else.”

Ben nodded at Logan before heading back down the hall.

“We’ll get Bailey’s ankle wrapped before we send you home. I’d like to leave the ice on it a while longer and get the swelling down.”


“The other wolf isn’t one of yours?” Vaughn asked.

Logan shook his head.

“I’ll have Vice locate his alpha, then. He’s in bad shape, but I think he’ll make it. My dad, Stuart, is handling the surgery, so we’ll know more in a few hours.”

“Keep me posted,” Logan said. “He tried to save my mate’s life. I owe him.”

Vaughn nodded. “Will do. We’re giving Gideon a transfusion, and he’s doing much better. I took some blood samples, and we’ll see what was used to poison him. It takes a lot to knock out a vampire. My son is mated to one, so believe me, I know.”

“Your… wait, what?”

“Henry. Jack’s other big brother. One of his mates is a vampire.”

“Oh.” Logan didn’t know very much about Jack’s family at all. He probably should have asked questions sooner, but it really wasn’t in his nature. He might have a pack now, but he still didn’t like people very much.

“You ever been in a pack that had more

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