Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,87

wall, holding the staff in a ready position.

The door to the apartment burst open.

“I’m going to find you, Bailey.”

Norman’s voice had taken on such a scary tone that Bailey’s hands trembled around the staff. He blocked it out, though, and focused instead on what Gideon would want him to do. Think things through. Plan your next move and then the one after that. Survive.

The problem was that getting armed had meant putting himself in a room with only one exit. Well, he could go out the window, but Bailey knew it wouldn’t stop Norman. Then he’d be hurt and still be dealing with a supernatural psychopath.

Not on his to-do list for the day.

“Steady.” The oracle’s voice was a comfort in his ear. Bailey felt better knowing he wasn’t alone, even if he would have to face Norman on his own until help arrived.

It would arrive. He just had to survive until then.

Logan needed him.

His pack needed him.

And Norman couldn’t take that away, no matter how scary he was or what he planned on doing.

Bailey steadied his breathing and listened to Norman’s footsteps coming up the stairs. He envisioned the movements in his head the way Gideon taught him. One shot to the head, then to the knee, then to the abdomen. Three strikes and Norman would be out.

Then he’d get back down the stairs and out of the warehouse.

The stairs creaked, and Bailey held his breath.

Almost there. Just a few more steps.

The brothel was nothing more than a run-down apartment building not far from the area where the attack against Jeff had occurred. Logan parked the SUV in front of the building.

“Dasan, Coal, around back. Aleron and Scout, with me. We get Gideon back, and no one gets in our way.”

“And me?” Taj asked.

“Stay behind us and keep up.”


Logan didn’t bother with manners. He kicked open the door and inhaled the moment he got inside. He charged forward, moving toward the scent of Gideon and blood.

Several doors opened, and young people Logan didn’t recognize poked their heads out fearfully. They quickly shut the doors again.

A guard appeared. Logan didn’t pause. He snarled, shoved the guy behind him, and heard Aleron put him down. When another appeared, Logan took out his knee and finished him with a punch to the face.

“We’re drawing attention,” Scout said. “We need to move.”

Logan growled and leaped over the guard he’d just put down and made his way up the rest of the flight of stairs. He opened the door to the third floor and knew he’d found the one. He charged down the hallway before kicking open a closed door.

Gideon was on the bed, looking gray. He didn’t move when Logan reached his side. “Gideon!”

A young man cowered on the floor in the corner. Aleron moved in front of him, leaving Logan clear to focus on their packmate.

“Is he—”

“No,” Taj said. He rushed around the side of the bed and grabbed Gideon’s face. “He’s been poisoned.”

Logan growled and turned to the man on the floor. “What did you give him?”

“Nothing! I didn’t—”

“Lie.” Aleron grabbed him by the throat and lifted him.

Logan moved closer, his wolf ready to attack. “Try again.”

“I—I didn’t. I just… The cop came. He gave me a bottle and told me to drink it. That’s it.”

“The cop?”

Logan caught the familiar scent of cop in the air. “Which cop?”

The man trembled. “I d-don’t know his name. He comes here sometimes. That’s all I know.”

“He needs to feed,” Taj said. “Quickly. Aleron, blade.”

Aleron slid a knife from a sheath hidden beneath the sleeve of his coat and handed it over. Taj drew the blade down his arm before prying Gideon’s mouth open. Logan knelt beside him and rubbed Gideon’s throat, forcing the blood into his body.

It took longer than Logan liked before Gideon began regaining a little color. He panicked when he realized whose blood he was drinking, though. Logan leaned over him and flashed his eyes.

“We need to get you out of here. It’s not safe.”

“B-Bailey,” Gideon croaked out. “Trap.”

Logan froze.

Taj shoved his arm back against Gideon’s mouth. “Drink. Your pack needs you.”

Dasan and Coal stepped in from the hallway and looked to Logan for direction. “We get out of this house, then we fly. Bailey’s in trouble.”

They nodded as Logan scooped Gideon up from the bed. He moved to the stairs, but this time, no one even tried to stop them. The moment they stepped outside, Coal shifted into his dragon form.

“I’ll drive,” Scout yelled. “Get to Bailey. We’ll be right behind

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