Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,85

as Bailey thought it would be, especially since he had his beautiful new kitchen to cook in. He hadn’t been kidding when he told Logan he’d be fine. He would be distracted for hours playing with all his new toys.

Orsen and his crew had done an amazing job, and even though Bailey knew Aleron had called in a thousand favors with his cousin to make it happen, he’d already decided to talk to Logan about the other set of blueprints—the ones that turned the other half of the warehouse into apartments.

An alpha needed his pack, and Logan needed them. If he was too stubborn to admit it, well, Bailey would just have to help him see reason. That’s what mates were for, after all.


Bailey grinned at the idea of being with Logan forever as he explored the contents of his new pantry. He was still making grand plans for all the meals he wanted to cook when a booming knock sounded on the door.

Actually, it was less of a knock and more of a pounding.

Bailey’s heart skipped a beat, but he went cautiously downstairs. Logan had locked the place up tighter than Fort Knox before he left, so it was probably Joey. He always showed up around dinnertime looking pitiful.


“Bailey! It’s Randy. Open the door. Now.”

Bailey hesitated for a second.

Logan had been extremely clear that he shouldn’t let anyone in. But Randy was a cop.

“Is everything okay?”

“No,” Randy growled. “Open the goddamned door, Bails. Now.”

“I can’t,” Bailey said, relying on the one excuse he hoped would work. “Logan said no one could come in.”

“Fuck, Bails. You don’t get it. I smell—”

Smell. Bailey’s skin prickled, and he remembered what Logan had told him. Randy was a wolf too. If he smelled…

Bailey turned the locks and stepped back as Randy barged inside. He was dressed in full uniform, but something in his eyes scared Bailey. He looked out of control. He sniffed the air, raising his head and breathing deeply like Bailey had seen Logan do many times.

“Where’s Logan?”

“Oh, he’s, um…” Bailey wanted to lie and say Logan was outside, but then he remembered he couldn’t lie. Randy would know. “He’s not here.”

“Goddammit. Who’s with you? And where is he?”

Bailey really didn’t want to admit he was completely alone. His senses were going wild, screaming that he was in danger. From Randy? He didn’t understand. He took a step back. If he could get back upstairs, he had—

“Bailey, move!” Randy yelled and reached for Bailey.

Bailey jerked to the side as a loud bang sounded from behind him. Randy’s eyes widened, and then he glanced down at his stomach, which had a spreading dark spot on it. Randy’s hand went to the spot, and it came away red.

“I didn’t think the wolves would ever leave you alone.”

Bailey’s heart stopped. He knew that voice. He’d had nightmares about it for weeks. He turned and found Randy’s partner, Norman, standing behind him. He had his gun in his hand, and it was aimed at Randy.

“Oh shit. You shot him.”

“He figured me out. Still not sure how,” Norman said.

Randy sank to his knees, his eyes glowing blue. Bailey started to go to him, but Norman turned the gun toward him. “Oh no. We’re not getting closer to the wolves, Bailey. You’ve spent enough time with them, don’t you think?”

Bailey took a step back, trying to come up with a plan. He didn’t have anywhere to hide, and he wasn’t any match for a person with a gun.

“Oh, you want to run?” Norman breathed in and smiled.

It sent a shiver down Bailey’s spine.

“Do that. Run for me, Bailey. But don’t worry about the alarm system. I took care of it on my way in. It was so nice of Logan to invite us over for training. It gave me plenty of time to look around and figure out how to get in without being noticed. You’d think an alpha would be more observant, but hey, what do I know? I’m a half-breed.”

“Bails, run,” Randy gasped and reached for the gun strapped to his belt.

Norman roared and spun back toward him.

Bailey didn’t hesitate; he ran.

He bolted upstairs, heading for the newly renovated areas. No one had been in for training since his attack, so Norman wouldn’t likely know his way around the new layout upstairs.

He heard another shot and tried not to make a sound, even though his heart wanted to pound out of his chest. Randy was hurt, dying, and Bailey couldn’t help him. He needed Logan

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