Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,69

and panicked. Logan leaped over the railing and landed with a pretty spectacular roll before he was back on his feet and at Bailey’s side.

In the minute it took Bailey’s heart to stop pounding over the death-defying feat Logan had performed, someone knocked on the door. Aleron opened it to reveal an incredibly attractive man who greeted him with a beaming smile before getting all up in Aleron’s space. “Well, hello, stranger. I’m told you’ve been looking for me.”

“Taj.” Aleron’s sultry grin right back at the stranger had Bailey more curious than ever.

Until, that is, he heard another sound from above. He looked up and found Gideon staring down at them. His hands gripped the railing so hard Bailey was pretty sure he heard it buckling under the pressure.

“Get out,” Gideon said.

Aleron spun away from the man at the door with a scowl. “Gideon, this is the inc… uh, friend I was telling you about.”

“I know exactly who Taj is, and he needs to leave. Now. You aren’t going to be anywhere near me and mine ever again.”

Taj nodded, but he looked incredibly sad. “My apologies, Gideon. I hadn’t heard you were working with Aleron. I wouldn’t have come otherwise.”

Gideon made his way down the stairs, but he was practically vibrating with anger. Bailey had never seen him act like that before. He’d always been so cool, calm, and collected.

Logan seemed surprised as well.

“Gideon, with me,” Logan said. He gave Bailey a gentle squeeze before heading off into the back of the warehouse with Gideon at his side.

Aleron stared after them, his face still set in a scowl. He turned back to Taj and crossed his arms over his chest. “What did you do to him?”

Taj smiled sadly and shook his head. “It was a long time ago, my friend.”

“Aleron,” Bailey said, “this is the person you called to help with the case, right?”

Aleron nodded.

“And he can help?”

“I think so.”

Bailey moved closer and held out his hand. “Hello, my name is Bailey. Thank you for coming. Is there any chance we could… I don’t know, get your number or something? We do need some help finding the person who attacked… me.” Bailey managed to swallow around the sudden surge of bile in his throat. “But Gideon is important to us, and having you here is upsetting him, so I’m afraid you’ll have to come back when he’s not around.”

“I don’t have a phone,” Taj said softly. “I’m sure Aleron knows others of my kind who can help.”

Bailey frowned. “Of your kind?”

Taj glanced at Aleron, his eyes wide, then back at Bailey. “I must go. My apologies to the alpha.”


Bailey frowned and watched Taj back out of the door.

Aleron closed it behind him and covered his face with his hands. “Well, that complicates things.”

“I would say so. Logan!”

Logan came barreling out of the back and skidded to a stop by Bailey’s side. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. You and Aleron go talk to Taj. We need answers, and if this guy can help us, we’re going to have to figure it out. I need this to be over, you know?”

Gideon stepped out of the shadows. “I’m sorry, Bailey. I wasn’t thinking.”

“No, no. You don’t have to apologize. Gideon, whatever your history is with that dude, it’s serious. You don’t have to be around him, so I’m thinking I’m going to make you my sous chef, and we’re going to make dinner for everyone while Logan and Aleron talk to Taj. Sound okay to you?”

Gideon gave Aleron a hard stare. “Don’t go there, my friend.”

“I won’t.” Aleron put his hand over his heart.

Bailey heard the promise in the words, and they seemed to be enough for Gideon.

“Are you sure about this?” Logan asked. But he wasn’t looking at Gideon. He was watching Bailey.

“I know we’re running out of options. I mean, we have nothing, right? Unless you aren’t telling me about some clue or something?”

“No. We’ve found nothing,” Logan admitted.

“Then maybe Taj can help. It’s been almost two weeks since he got me. I… I’m afraid he’s either moved on or someone else is going to get hurt soon.”

Logan hooked his hand around Bailey’s neck and pressed their foreheads together. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Bailey relaxed into Logan’s touch and then pulled away with a smile. “Gideon, are you sure you don’t want to help?”

He looked torn and pushed his long dark hair away from his face. “I do want to help.”

“Then go. I’ll make dinner, and you guys find out what you

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