Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,52

over Ashley’s shoulders as they walked to the car. “This sucks so bad.”

“Yeah. I’m texting the crew. Everyone can come to yours?”

Bailey nodded and opened the car door for her. He went around and got in as well, then started the car before lowering his head onto the steering wheel. “I know I shouldn’t even be thinking about it, but how did he know, Ash? Did Logan… talk about me? At a crime scene? I get locker room talk, but come on.”

Ashley grabbed his shoulder and squeezed. “I don’t know. Maybe? But maybe fucking Randy is stalking you and saw Logan’s truck parked at your house all night. I wouldn’t put it past the jerk. He did that to Heather too. Remember?”

Bailey did sort of vaguely remember Randy always happening to show up where Heather was until he finally got the hint that she wasn’t interested. And Bailey once again found himself in a position where he didn’t want to go back to his own apartment.

He glanced at Ashley, and she nodded before grabbing her phone and texting their friends. “Change of plans. Let’s go grab our bathing suits. We’re all going to go to my dad’s for a pool party and cookout.”

“Ash, we can’t just show up at your dad’s house with no notice.”

“Sure we can. Besides, my stepmom has been dying to meet my friends, and my dad loves to grill out. And if they’re busy, the pool won’t be, so we can still use it. Trust me.”

Bailey smiled at her and reached for her hand. “I do.”

“Good. Because I have a crazy idea I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Crazier than showing up at your dad’s house with no notice like rude people who are rude?”

“Yep. I want to put on a cabaret next weekend. We can do it as a fundraiser to support the victims or pay for additional security or something. We’ve gotta take some sort of action instead of sitting around worrying about this all the time. The police are doing their part, and now we’ve gotta do ours. And no matter what my sorority sisters say, I am not dying my hair purple.”

She would have if they’d decided to as a group, and they both knew it. But a cabaret could work. “It’s awfully last minute.”

Ashley snorted. “You think the entire theater department doesn’t have their own song-and-dance routines perfected after years of auditions? Gimme a break. And you can stage manage. It’ll be great.”

It wasn’t a bad idea. The theater was between shows but would be starting up rehearsals for their summer season in a few weeks. They’d only have a short window of time for the space to be available.

“Okay, let’s do it.”

Ashley whooped, and her fingers flew over her phone again. They pulled up in front of the sorority house and found Heather waiting on the porch with a giant tote bag in her hand. They grabbed the guys next, then went to Bailey’s so he could get his suit.

By the time they’d swam, eaten tons of burgers and hotdogs—Ashley was right, her dad and stepmom hadn’t minded them coming by at all—they had the cabaret planned, and over a dozen of their friends were already booked to perform.

Bailey’s phone dinged in the midst of a heated debate over what song Joey should sing, and he opened it with a smile.

“You aren’t home. I brought apology soup. :(”

Bailey grinned at the idea of soup as an apology. And also the fact that Logan had reached out. “I’m a busy man.”

“Sorry about this morning. Are you available later?”

“Who is it?” Ashley asked. “As if I even have to ask with that ridiculous grin on your face.”

“He wants to know if I’m available later.”

“Oh, good. Hmm. Are you available later? What do we think?”

“Definitely,” Heather said. “Bailey doesn’t play games. And besides, he’s been a little mopey all day, and I think I know why now. So go see your new boyfriend, and we’ll all go back to Ashley’s to finish planning.”

“Guys?” Ashley asked.

“What Heather said,” Will said. “No way am I disagreeing with her. Are you kidding?”

Ashley laughed and bumped her arm against Bailey’s. “That settles it, then. You’re available.”



Even though he felt foolish sitting on the back steps waiting for Bailey, apology soup growing colder by the second, Logan waited. When Bailey came around the corner, his trusty backpack slung over one shoulder, he stopped when he saw Logan sitting there.

Logan drank in the sight of him. He’d been out

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