Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,5

the show’s stage manager, Bailey usually arrived an hour or so before everyone else. He prepped the backstage area, verified all props were present and accounted for, and went through the rest of his preshow checklist before the cast arrived and the distractions began.

Will had already been at the door when Bailey arrived, though. Well, technically he’d been slumped against it, hungover and barely able to stand. Bailey had gotten him inside and thrown him into the shower area in the janitor’s closet. It was crude and mostly meant for hosing things down, but the cold spray worked well for sobering Will up.

Of course, Bailey had been called so many names in those few short minutes that his feelings had actually gotten hurt. He glanced at the glass sitting in front of Will. It appeared to be nothing more than soda.

While he waited for Will to muster up the words for his apology, Bailey looked back toward the dance floor and saw Ashley in a crowd. Heather wasn’t with her.

“Bailey.” Will’s low voice caught his attention. “I’m sorry, man. Really.”

It would be so easy to brush it off and say something inane like, “That’s okay,” or “No worries.” But he couldn’t. Because this was it for him with them. His last hurrah as their stage manager and the one who looked out for them. He wouldn’t be invited for nights out anymore.

It wasn’t that they didn’t like him. It was that he wouldn’t be a core part of the group. Nights like this were meant for cast and crew. He wouldn’t be part of the foundation. And before long, they’d all graduate and move on, anyway. Bailey had decided it would be better for him if he left while he was ahead.

“I accept your apology.”


“No but. You know what you did was wrong, Will. That’s what hurt the most about it. You hurt me on purpose.”

“And now I feel like shit again.”

“That’s the booze talking.”

“I’m not drinking tonight. I feel like death warmed over already.”

Bailey couldn’t help his smirk.

“I saw that.”

“Yeah, I know. Serves you right.”


“Really? We’re going with name-calling again?”

Will dropped his head back against the booth and groaned. “Dammit. You’re going to use this against me forever.”

“Go dance with your friends, Will. Sweat out the rest of that booze.”

“Yeah, yeah. You should come. No one will bother your bag.”

“I’m good.”

Will stood but came over to Bailey’s side of the booth. “I’ve offered to teach you to dance, Bails.”

Bailey ignored the low, husky tone.

Yeah, Will was hot—leading-man levels of hot. But all he wanted was sex, and Bailey… well, his previous excuses had all been that he didn’t want to mess around with someone he worked with. What would his excuse be now?

“Pretty sure our director would be very upset if I broke his lead actor’s foot. I’d better pass, because I’m sure Brent would hunt me down.”

“Sure. But you really should come dance with us, Bails. You and I both know you’re not planning on coming back.”

Bailey managed a small smile. “Figured that out, did you?”

Will leaned down and whispered in Bailey’s ear, “I know a good actor when I see one. Now come dance with us, and I swear I won’t hit on you again.”

After putting the girls’ handbags in his backpack for safekeeping, Bailey tucked the bag into the shadowy depths of the booth and followed Will. Their servers knew their group and wouldn’t let anyone else have the table. And besides, he wouldn’t be out dancing for long. He always felt like a fish flopping on a deck when he made the attempt. Graceful and elegant he was not.

Will cut through the crowd, and Bailey followed in his wake. He’d never understood that ability some people had where everyone parted like Moses and the Red Sea when they came close.

Bailey would have ended up knocked around like a pinball if he’d tried to cut through the center of the crowd like that. Will had that kind of charisma, though. It’s what made him a good leading man, and when he tried, a good friend.

Will reached back and grabbed Bailey’s hand, making sure they didn’t get separated as they made their way to the other side of the dance floor, closest to the DJ booth. That move, more than anything else, earned Bailey’s forgiveness for Will’s earlier outburst.

When they reached the others, Bailey found Heather and her newly pinned shorts getting her groove on with Ashley. He let out a sigh of relief.

No, he wasn’t their

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